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Nice way to start a professional career in Austria

Bewerber/inHat sich 2012 bei KEBA AG in Linz als Produktentwickler Hardware beworben und eine Zusage erhalten.


I am very satisfied with the application process. Since I am from Serbia, the first interview was in Serbia, and the second was in Linz. The company has covered all my travel expenses for the interview, provided me the assistance during the RWR visa application process and provided me the apartment for the first month in Linz. The whole process was very smooth and easy without any stress. Compared to the application process in Serbian companies, this one was a way more professional and better organized. The most important difference is the feeling that I am not only a resource for company, but also an appreciated person and the company had time and will to deal with my small needs and requirements during this process. I don't know whether this is normal for Austrian companies, but I am sure it's impossible in Serbia.


  • What would my former boss say about me
  • Tell us about yourself
  • Professional goals
  • Do I like this position
  • What do I expect from this position
  • What do I expect from my boss

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Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

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