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Amazing Opportunity

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2014 im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

That no matter who you are you are treated as a friend and given live changing opportunities.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

That I had to leave Vienna


We did a lot of outstanding team events and outings and where given opportunities to really get to know the rest of the team! Friendships were built and I enjoyed my working time in Vienna.


The team is wonderful and very open. I enjoyed meeting so many nice people from different countries and cultures.


No fixed working hours. Get your things done - go an extra mile but always put family first. The boss is really caring for that.


The CEO is not only a very caring boss but also taking the company subtitle "working with friends" by it's word. He might be strict but fair as he is mostly even two steps ahead so if you are eager to learn you will. The decisions all clear up in the end - this is what u expect a good boss to be.

Interessante Aufgaben

Advertising is challenging - everyone probably knows that. But as you are working with the newest technologies and trends u are able to learn very much! I could choose where to develop special skills and found my fav. departement.


There are slightly more women than man and all religions mixed aged 19-59.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

As social media is growing fast for older users too, the younger team members take a lot learnings and ideas from the experienced ones.


We all had fully new Apple workingstations and new desks & very luxe chairs. The building is built new in I think 2013 and is airconditioned and with a garden.


They get social a lot and support Hilfswerk Austria as well as "Trialog" an iniciative for muslim, jewish and christian peace and are kind hearted people.


Advertising is not finance. You know that and you work in that field for the love to brands and impacts you can have with your creativity. But the salary is fair and they are supporting whereever they can - like WienerLinien Tickets, JohnHarris Membership, free Events and Dinners and many more.


PlonerCom are PRO in what they do - working with friends is a real asset and I am sad I had to leave Vienna and that team after such a long time! I cried like a baby and maybe future will bring me back.


There are frequent "Mitarbeitergespraeche" which are taken really serious to make the best opportunities for the employee as well es the agency. I was comfy in bringing forward my wishes for development and as the agency is growing and growing it took not long to climb the leather and get my own department.

