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10 von 137 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

kununu Score: 2,7Weiterempfehlung: 30%

10 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Keine Vision, mehr Schein als Sein.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

die Erinnerungen von vergangenen Zeiten, wo es gut gelaufen ist.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

am Anfang der Pandemie wurde seitens der Geschäftsführung angekündigt, dass keiner sich um seinen Job fürchten muss, jedoch gab es dann zwei Wochen später eine massive Kündigungswelle, parallel dazu wurde die Situation ausgenutzt in der Entwicklungsabteilung umzustrukturieren, seit diesem Zeitpunkt läuft alles ziemlich schlecht. In jedem Meeting mit dem neuen Management bekommt man nur zu hören, dass alles was in der Vergangenheit gemacht worden ist nicht genug ist, um einen Umsatz von 400/500 Millionen zu erzielen. Man hat überhaupt keine Vision außer “wir müssen 500 Million Dollar verdienen”. Das Kernprodukt wurde vernachlässigt, stattdessen versucht die Firma durch irgendwelche Marketing Tricks ein Image von Erfolg abzugeben. In Wahrheit verlassen langjährige Mitarbeiter Monat für Monat die Firma. Man wird von der neuen Führung permanent gemicromanaged, z.B. warum die Entwicklung von Features und Epics so lang dauert. Es wird dauernd über irgendwelche tollen Pläne erzählt, die gerade in Bearbeitung sind, aber seit einem Jahr gibt es kein konkretes Produkt, nicht mal einen Prototyp.


anstatt die Boni der Mitarbeiter an Kununu Bewertungen zu koppeln, sollte man eher schauen, dass es Verbesserungen im Unternehmen gibt. Ehrlichkeit mit den Mitarbeitern wäre hier auch zu wünschen. Am Anfang der Corona-Pandemie wurden die Jahresziele bewusst reduziert mit der Aussage, sollten diese erreicht werden bekäme man die Boni in vollem Ausmaß. Die Firma hat zwar die revidierten Ziele erreicht, aber man hat den Bonus als Mitarbeiter nicht in der zuvor versprochenen Höhe bekommen. Von der GF wird darauf nur so geantwortet, dass es jetzt eben mal so ist.

Konkrete Verbesserungsvorschläge wären eine Zukunftsvision zu erarbeiten, bevor man die Hälfte der Entwicklungskapazität daran arbeiten lässt. Eine halbwegs ehrliche Einstellung wäre auch gut, es läuft gerade nicht gut und man sollte sich nicht so verhalten, als ob man jetzt auf dem Weg ist das Google von Softwaretesting zu werden.

Loyalität geht nicht nur in eine Richtung, man kann sich nicht beschweren dass Mitarbeiter zur Konkurrenz wechseln und dann aber auch die Mitarbeiter so behandeln.


Man redet dauernd von Familie, jedoch werden langjährige Mitarbeiter gekündigt und durch Manager in den USA ersetzt die gut Englisch sprechen. Das neue Management hat scheinbar kein Interesse daran, zu verstehen, was die eigentlich Probleme mit dem Produkt sind bzw. die Prozesse im Unternehmen zu optimieren. Stattdessen werden irgendwelche mini-Firmen aus dem Ausland (vorwiegend USA) gekauft mit der Begründung, dass das die Zukunft sei. Wie das ganze technisch mit einem bestehenden Produkt zu integrieren ist scheint sie genauso wenig zu interessieren.


Schon öfters werden Fragen von der neuen Führung gestellt, die den Anschein geben, dass sich der Fragesteller nicht mal die Mühe gemacht hat sich 3 Minuten lang mit der Thematik zu beschäftigen.







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


Super Firma mit offene Feedbackkultur

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.


Schwierig in Covid-Zeiten


Give Back (to Society) Program






Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Sehr spannendes Unternehmen im Wandel

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Großartige Kolleg*innen, sehr spannendes und sich gerade wandelndes Marktumfeld, viele Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.


Klarere und einheitlichere Kommunikation der Firmen- und Produktstrategie und wie die unterschiedlichen Bereiche dazu beitragen.


Eine größere Organisationsänderung Anfang des Jahres hat viel Unruhe verursacht und der Führungsebene viel Vertrauen gekostet (wie sich auch an den Kununu Bewertungen zeigt). Gleichzeitig sind ettliche neue Führungskräfte ins Unternehmen gekommen die ich als äußerst motiviert, engagiert, interessiert und konstruktiv erlebe. Sie müssen sich das Vertrauen noch erarbeiten aber sind denke ich auf einem guten Weg.


International ist das Image von Tricentis im Testing Markt sehr gut - Tricentis wird allgemein als Leader in dieser Kategorie angesehen. Das Image bei Mitarbeiter*innen hat im letzten halben Jahr gelitten, aber wird sich hoffentlich bald wieder erholen.


Soweit ich das bisher beurteilen kann ist Work-Life-Balance in der Verantwortung jedes Einzelnen und das Unternehmen legt einem keine Steine in den Weg. Home Office ist in Covid Zeiten extrem flexibel möglich. Leistungsdruck besteht, aber es wird respektiert wenn man nicht immer verfügbar ist. Im Rahmen eines Global Learning Days wurden extra Trainings dazu angeboten und es finden auch Weekly Mindfulness Sessions statt.


Es gibt eine neue Karrierematrix die unlängst ausgerollt wurde und eine sehr gute Orientierung sowohl für Manager als auch für Individual Contributors zur Karriereplanung bietet. Karriereziele werden individuell mit Management vereinbart. Zusätzlich werden Fachkurse über Onlineplattformen angeboten (e.g. Pluralsight, Linked In Learning, ...). Ebenfalls ganz neu eingeführt wurden Global Learning Days, bei der global alle Mitarbeiter*innen den Fokus auf Weiterbildung legen sollen und auch keine Meetings stattfinden (das funktioniert noch nicht 100%ig). Mobilität zwischen Teams innerhalb der Firma ist möglich und wird von Mangement auch unterstützt. Weiters gibt es ein internes Mentoring Programm bei dem viele aus dem Executive Management als Mentoren teilnehmen.


Das Gehalt ist branchenüblich. Öffi Ticket wird zusätzlich angeboten. Budget für Teamevents, etc. ist vorhanden.


Es gibt die Möglichkeit für Sozialprojekte extra Tage frei zu bekommen. Ich weiß aber noch nichts genaueres darüber.


Erlebe ich als generell sehr gut. Es wird miteinander gearbeitet und nicht gegeneinander. Manchmal ein bisschen viel Bashing gegen Management, aber das gehört dazu und muss man als Manager*in auch einstecken können ;-)

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Es gibt nicht so viele wirklich ältere Kolleg*innen aber die Wertschätzung ist gegeben.


Generell positiv und konstruktiv. Manchmal verschieben sich allerdings Prioritäten nicht ganz nachvollziehbar oder man hat das Gefühl aneinander vorbeizureden. Entscheidungen sind nicht immer transparent, aber bei Nachfrage meist erklärbar und nachvollziehbar.


Das tollste Büro in dem ich bisher gearbeitet habe. Super Ausstattung, Blick über Wien, Donaupark direkt vor der Tür, Gemeinschaftszonen, Playstation, Ruhebereiche, Wuzler, ... - Absolut top!!


Generell ist die Kommunikation sehr umfänglich und vielseitig, angefangen von 2-wöchigen Townhall-Meetings, über diverse interne Newsletter (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, ...), bis zu bereichsweiten Meetings wo Proukt- und Engineeringthemen besprochen werden. Zusätzlich gibt es noch wöchentliche Open-Office-Hours wo jede*r direkten Zugang zum Executive Staff bekommt. Fast schon ein bisschen zu viel und es ist manchmal schwierig das Wichtige vom Unwichtigen zu unterscheiden. Generell ist die Kommunikation sehr direkt - manchmal auch etwas unsensibel, was leider durch den derzeit geringen persönlichen Kontakt kaum ausgebügelt werden kann.


Es gibt ettliche Initativen (e.g. Women at Tricentis, Diversity Workgroup, ...) und die Awareness ist im Management auf jeden Fall gegeben. Auch unser CEO setzt sich persönlich dafür ein und unterstützt aktiv Initiativen. Allerdings haben wir in der Entwicklung leider den üblichen branchenbedingten massiven Überhang an Männern und auch im Management schaut es leider noch kaum anders aus. Das heißt, dass die Wirksamkeit noch erhöht werden muss.

Interessante Aufgaben

Sehr viele interessante Aufgaben mit hohem Gestaltungsspielraum. Das ist natürlich auch ein zweischneidiges Schwert, weil das mit vageren Zielverstellungen einhergeht - mir taugt's :-)


From Austrian Unicorn to US-Company

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Flexible working hours. Nobody is forced to return to the offices if they don't feel comfortable with that.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Almost everything that happend the last months. Tricentis was an awesome place for it's employees but for now this place does not exist anymore.


Applying american management methods on european employees will not work. Try to create an environment where people know and feel that they matter. Being rude is no sign of strength. Trust can only work bi-directional.


Was really great in past. It felt very special to work for that Austrian company that tried to conquer the world in it's space. Leadership appreciated what we are doing. Yes, they demanded a lot but I always had the feeling that they care about their employees. However, this changed recently when more and more power went to the US. Aggressive growth, new leadership and a brutally executed reorganization destroyed that whole atmosphere. People were fired, others were and are leaving on their own. In general leadership does not show any cultural sensitivity.


Depending on the team but was usually ok, heaving a private live was respected. New management tries to put more and more pressure to the product development teams. The teams working on the most relevant products are already under full pressure. My team was spared until now, but recently we started to feel the heat as well.


Promotions were done rather randomly and intransparent. New management is working on improving that, outcome is unclear yet. The company provides access to some e-learning platforms and of course to all product related courses. In theory there is a contingent of hours you can spend for trainings, but it is not that much and it there is pressure to work on the product instead. External trainings need approval from management, but you have to organize everything on your own.


Salary is ok, on top there is a yearly bonus depending on company success and personal performance. The whole system is quite intransparent though. Company pays for your annual ticket for public transport within vienna. Laptop and company mobile phone can be used for private purposes (within reason).


Before Covid-19 people were excessively travelling all over the world. Of course this is not happening these days, unsure how this will be in a post-covid world. There are no green initiatives, but there is an initiative for giving back to the society. People can spend a couple of days per year to show of with their social responsibility. After a short hype phase the whole initiative is now not pursued anymore.


This was the best part of the company. There were many smart, helpful and nice people. If you needed help you just could go to anybody and get support from them. There was a special sense of togetherness (this was also one of the core company values). There were many occasions to get together with your colleagues and have some beer and talk. With the aggressive growth of the company this became less and less, and of course now in times of Covid-19 this is completely gone. Also a lot of people fostering this culture left the company, and there is little hope that that atmosphere will be restored once things are back to normal.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Can't provide a good statement here, in engineering there are like two colleagues older than 40.


The line managers of the "foot soldiers" are trying their best, but they have way to many people to manage. They are also mostly new to the company, most of the long-time managers that built up the engineering organization are not in the company anymore. Higher management is acting very rude and arrogant. They do not care about company culture or the people in general, the only measure that cares is money. They do not only not appreciate former achievements, they belittle it. This is a slap into the face of everybody who spent years of his live to build such a successful product. The whole situation caused some of the core people of the company to leave, I wonder if management is aware of their contribution to that.


Office is relatively central and is a few minutes away from a metro station. The offices are nice and you have a great view from there. There are also some social areas (beer fridge, darts, table football...). AC is rather weak, on hot days you will sweat. Equipment is ok, engineers get a strong laptop and either 2 regular monitors or one huge 4k.


This was always a weak spot. Very often I got relevant information just by accident, official announcements were missing. The Covid-19 crisis and the new management made this even worse. After the reorganization was announced nothing happened for a full month. A lot of people did not know who they will work with, what they will work on and who will be their boss. A bunch of key people left the company, but it was not really communicated from management. There are regular information meetings though, driven by C-Level, but they very rarely provide useful information. Very often what management says is not what they actually do.


As usual for the industry there are way more male than female employees, especially in R&D. Management is even worse, there are almost no female managers, especially in C-Level. There are some diversity programs, but they are mostly lip-service without any concrete outcome.

Interessante Aufgaben

Heavily depends on the product your team is working on. Some teams can work on new stuff with state-of-the-art technology. Other teams should work on new stuff too, but they have no direction or product vision yet. Most of the teams are working on the legacy product, which is still very successful but from a engineering perspective not very exciting anymore.




Dear Colleague,
Thank you for your rating and the feedback. We highly appreciate this valuable feedback as we are always striving to improve. It is good to see that you see also positive aspects, however we are sorry to read that you are not satisfied with some aspects of our work and we would like to invite you to a personal conversation. It is important for us to understand these aspects better in order to take specific measures. Especially in the area of Learning & Development we just launched Global learning days to support you even better in your development. Tricentis offers a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration is essential to us.
Thank you again for your feedback and we would be pleased to have a conversation with you to talk about it in detail.
Kr, HR-Team

"divide and conquer" seems to be the motto of the new leadership

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

My colleagues

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich



Consider reading a book on change management before the next big restructuring.
What made the company so great was the atmosphere and this is getting ruined by mindless Americanization and “increasing” productivity. If you want to keep your employees listen to them and create an atmosphere where it’s safe to express your opinion without getting berated by choleric superiors.
Stop micromanaging while at the same time not giving a clear direction.
Remember that you are dealing with European employees who get payed below average. Managing them in the "American" style will never work.


This used to be the best part about this company, now not so much. Already a couple of years ago there was a wave of Americanization that wasn't easy. But what the new (American) leadership is trying to pull off in Vienna is ridiculous and resulting in a very negative atmosphere. A lot of pressure is applied, work done in the past isn't valued and even gets ridiculed which creates a lot of frustration and results in a lot of confrontation but no collaboration. For years people worked like crazy and put a lot of effort into the products. New management doesn't understand these products and dependencies, thinks the development is too slow because developers and everybody else involved is lazy. So they started to create insane deadlines and increased the pressure and it is just not working, productivity definitely dropped and people are afraid to speak up.


I always have a hard time with that but that's not necessarily the company's fault, but the pressure increased a lot and COVID isn't helping with that. There was even a vacation ban in July for some teams for absolutely no reason and on such short notice that they had to take it back and just asked people not to take vacation instead. Some people still feel guilty taking planned vacation.


My superiors always supported me in what I suggested, but company wide there is not a big offering. Education seems like something to be done on your own time.


Within my team and all of the people that I directly work together with it is really great and the best part about this company. But as the atmosphere got really negative you get more and more suspicious about what can be communicated to who.


My direct managers were always great and still are. However, the behavior of the upper leadership is so incredibly bad, chaotic, rude and brash that I can't give more than 1 star in total.


Office is very nice, and we got offered to work from home for the rest of 2020, or until we feel safe to come back to the office. (Even if they try to lure us in the office with free pizza and cake from time to time)


Was never good but got worse. During a recent restructuring I didn't know for weeks what I was supposed to work on and people were fired from one day to the next. The worst thing about this was that nothing was communicated, not even to their team members which created a lot of rumors. Once they said something very deprecative language was used.


Salary is below the average in the industry but it got a little better this year.

Interessante Aufgaben

I never got bored and like the domain, no day is the same.





Dear colleague,
Many thanks for your honest and comprehensive feedback and thank you for all your contributions so far. As you know, with the industry`s #1 Continuous Testing platform we are in the position to reinvent software testing for DevOps and in all our activities we are striving to further grow and develop together with you as employees in this direction. Together with all our employees, we have achieved an incredible amount and we continue to build on this as one team with you. Reading your feedback we understand that you see areas for improvement as ONE team and we would appreciate to talk to you in person so that we can share and discuss with you also our understanding in more detail. Good to read your feedback regarding cohesion, team spirt and working conditions. These are all important aspects to us and we are pleased that you appreciate our efforts in these areas.
Looking forward to our conversation and the further cooperation.
Kr, HR-Team

How to destroy a great place to work in less than 2 years

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2020 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It is really sad to watch a formerly great place to go down south. If you want to experience US corporate culture at its worst join.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are so many reason why this company don‘t deserve all the great people i had the honor to work with anymore. A lot of who were the heart of the company are leaving even during the current corona crisis. Top management either don‘t care or is incapable of understanding what is going on


Complete relaunch - fire top management and recreate the working place it was 3 years ago
Personally i think it is beyond hope and that point of no return is already passed but you never know


I was with this company so many years because it was really great place to work with great people and a lot of interesting projects. However this changed about 2 years ago when this company became a US company. It was not affecting us here in Europe in the beginning but when more and more power shifted to us manager it became obvious that it was no longer about the team or the product but only about who is the greatest and the best.
In other words narcistic manager who are only interested in themselves are now in charge.


It was once a great place to work for. Now it is a very bad example of mismanagement and American corporate company culture


None existing even after 12 hours day you are expected to do customer calls at 10pm on Friday. Mail and slack messages are to be answered 24/7
Colleagues who want to work parttime are ridiculed. Papamonat is not granted since your only value for the company is to work backbreaking long days


No career path - promotions are given to cronies
Hr requires you to sign a contract if you want to go to a training you need for your job


Salary is ok as long as you don‘t know the salary of your peers. Performance is not rewarded even if you invest a lot of your waking hours into your tasks, you are told that this is normal and expected. Raises in r&d are only promised but never delivered


Prior to corona the company expected you travel for an 2 hours meeting for 2 days. Hundreds of „important“ people are constantly travel to kickoffs, qbrs, sale meetings and so on all around the globe. Millions are spent for travel.


The team I was working with was always great and supportive. Beyond that local fiefdoms, little to no trust or respect to other parts of the organization.
A classical divide and conquer strategy

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no elder colleagues hired in r&d


Lies, incompetence, chaos, narcissistic and sociopathic behavior - do i need to say more? The only thing i learned is to never ever work for an us manager or an us company any more
I can‘t emphasize enough:
candidates: run as fast as you can
My former colleagues: you deserve better - this company is pure poison


Office has a great view but no air condition- especially in summer it is almost impossible to work due to the heat


Managers lied to their team, and what is even more unacceptable lied about the achievements of teams and individuals to c-level and the board. Solely for the reason to aggrandize themselves.
A lot of bullshit bingo meetings with invented figures and make believe reports wasted everyone’s time
There is german saying „the fish starts stinking from the head“ - the company culture is telling the untruth


Lipservice only - colleagues who return from maternity leave are treated badly and paid less just because they want to spend time with their kids. The whole women at tricentis Initiative is led by egomaniacs who don’t care about others only about being in the spotlight

Interessante Aufgaben

This was what kept me so or maybe too long. If you are able to ignore what is going around there was a opportunity to work on really interesting tasks and products. However be aware it will be taken away from you for no reason



Dear Colleague,
thank you for taking the time to give us this comprehensive feedback and rating - we appreciate your honesty. We are sorry to read that you are not satisfied with all aspects of our company and how the company developed over the years from your point of view. As an employer, a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration is essential to us. Since it is always highly important to us to drive positive changes, we would be very pleased if you would contact our HR team to discuss your feedback in detail. Feel free to reach out to us anytime!
Kind regards,
HR Team

Incompetent and chaotic leadership, this fish is rotting from the top

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The past is the only thing that was good. There isn't anything positive currently.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Leadership is terrible and incapable of either understanding the consequences of their actions or the fact that they are the main problem.


Take a hard look at yourselves and acknowledge that the problem starts at the top. Agile is not the problem, home office is not the problem. Top management IS the problem and until that changes, nothing will improve. Also pay people more and put a strong focus on culture, that is your only hope to rebuild what you have destroyed.


This used to be one of the best parts of working at Tricentis but sadly, not anymore. Top managment has completely gone off the rails, which probably started already over a year ago but has become blatantly obvious now. As part of a 'restructuring' they fired a bunch of really good people in engineering in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, who actually cared about the product and the company, not just their own position and promoting themselves. Since the top management is incompetent and uninformed, they completely failed to understand the consequences of their actions, and in the past few months a lot of the most experienced and best people have quit (also despite the pandemic). Top managment is somehow suprised by this, which they really shouldnt be. Of course, they are also completely incapable of realizing that they are the main problem, so they are blaming others. It has become a totally fear-based environment where no one trusts anyone, and no one is motivated. This really is not a work environment you want to be in.


Not really well known as a company, and with all the chaotic decision-making and incapable leadership in recent months any truthful image would not be very good.


This used to be ok, but now it is also a mess. Top managment is trying to show they are cool by giving us random days off, but at the same time they say everything needs to be done faster than before and there are absolutely no release extensions. There is lots of pressure from the top, so the work-life balance and extra days off are a joke (and also viewed with suspicion).


Before the 'restructuring' there were managers who really cared about their employees and tried to support them in advancing their career. These people are now gone, and there don't seem to be a lot of career prospects.


Pay is under market value, but the great colleagues and nice environment used to make up for it. Now the pay is still bad, and the work environment also sucks. They are desperate for people at this point, so maybe they are offering more these days but you should really think long and hard about whether this is a place you really want to work.


'Giving back' is supposedly a core value, but it is something left to employees. I dont know of anything the company as a whole or top management has done to give back to the community or improve social consciousness. Like the diversity initiatives, this is mostly lip-service and only done as long as it doesnt actually cost the company anything.


The people were always the best thing about Tricentis, but now a lot of the best people are gone and the blowhards have moved into positions of power. There are still some good people left, but morale is really low and people don't know who they can trust.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I think this is ok, haven't really noticed older colleagues treated bad.


Like everything else, this used to be good. But then they fired the good managers and others quit. People then didn't even know who they reported to, and its basically command-and-control these days. The only way to get ahead now is apparently through posturing and bullshit. Actually good and competent people who really cared both about the product and the people have been pushed out. Top management has shown what what their values are, and its clear they value all the wrong things.


The office is ok, but its nothing special. Laptops are not the newest, and you cant move desks easily, which can be annoying. There is a very nice view though.


Terrible. This was always bad but has become even worse. Management makes abrupt and chaotic decisions that no one understands, and communicates them late and poorly. After the 'restructuring' (which was really just firing a bunch of people who actually cared about and fought for the engineers), there was absolutely no plan and some people didn't even know who they reported to or what product they were working on 1 month later. There is no proper communication, and the leadership is disastrous.


Whatever supposed diversity initiatives exist are pretty much useless and nothing more than lip service. I have heard that women coming back from maternity leave have been treated very badly, and I also know of a case where a female employee escalated a case of on-going mobbing against a male colleague and then he got promoted and she got fired (as part of the 'restructuring', but still).

Interessante Aufgaben

Its hard to be interested in things when there is no vision and you have no idea what the point of anything is. This might be better in other departments, but Engineering/R&D has no clear direction and new products are often worked on for over a year only to be abandoned long after it has become clear that there is no go-to-market strategy and no one actually knows who the customer should be.



Dear Colleague,
thank you for taking the time to give us your honest feedback and rating - we appreciate that either positively and negatively! We are sorry to read that you don’t feel satisfied with Tricentis even if you did in the past. Even if we had recent changes as well as almost every other company, a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration is essential to us. Since it is always highly important to us to drive positive changes, we would be very pleased if you would contact our HR team to discuss your feedback in detail.
Kind regards,
HR Team

Art imitating life. Life imitating art - Tricentis main product is called Tosca. Based on the tragic opera. Ironic

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The past.
I loved. LOVED who we where.
The people that sat side by side with me through long nights and hard deadlines. The people, goals, and work culture you could respect so much, you have been really proud to be a part of this.
This wasn't just a company to so many of us.
This was an adventure.
This was something you would put your working pants on. You almost forgot you are doing a job, but raveled in the challenge of making it happen, for those people your respected. For your friends.
They weren't senior front end developer 13. Chinese ethnicity. Productivity index 12. Believes in ... Voted for ...
These have been human beings.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The entire recent past.
I think if you read all these things there is no need to go further into this here.
I did not believe a work place could break my heart like this one could.
I love my own life. I love my partner. I am looking forward to my new work. I will miss friends I had here.
In a way I understand now what one of the other guys told me when he left and I told him that this will blow over. This isn't what it is. We will soon be back in glory. It is not nearly as bad as he thinks.
I was just still bargaining. The breakup already happened. I just did not want to believe it. I did not want to see it.
There had been too many good times in the past. There had been too many good memories with too many good people.
I did not want to accept what this place turned into.
If you really need the money. Or you just need to put the 1 to 2 years on your CV. Go hear. But if you read this I only ask you to read it twice.
Please think about this well.
Whoever you are, you deserve a better place and this will not be a good experience.


Get rid of all forms of (identity) politics, activism and other stuff that just drives people apart. We are grown ups. We don't need others to preach about morality and ethics. This drives people apart. I am not saying the topics they claim to address with this in of themselves aren't important. But this is not what a workplace is for. If you want to discuss in a break, at lunch, banter about things. Sure. But you turned a software development company into a politically charged US university campus. Be professionals.
I am really sorry to say this - but the engineering management needs to change. ASAP! You removed the people that stood up for us and liked us. I don't even understand how you can give no proper directions and micromanage at the same time. This is almost art. Don't treat engineers like cogwheels. We are creative people. And we want to be respected.
Focus on the things that made us who we used to be.
You forgot what made this a success.
You forgot what made this a thing.
Go back to what matters, what worked, what people loved - not told to love.
Find people who love the products and the company for what it is. Who love success and have passion. Not to recite "company value" and try to have this be whatever you try it to be.


Used to be absolutely awesome.
But it is insane now.
After the start of Covid and the US unrest, this company lost it's collective mind.
Management encouraged people to join the riots. Company wide meetings now literally are 50% to 70% (identity) politics and ideology preaching. The HR department runs a dedicated team for "diversity", they go around and demanding donations for Black Lives Matter, and keep reminding everyone about their "biases", tell the company how "problematic white privilege is", tell you to "educate yourself" (of course the reading list is very balanced...), about man being "toxic in general and problematic", that "not being racist is not enough. You have to be anti-racist and actively follow this [insert list like you are a child being led around a leash]". If someone would have told me this I would not have believed them. That is the kind of thing you read about somewhere and shake your head. Experiencing this genuinely cult like demeanor is honestly terrifying for anyone with a working knowledge of history. There are rumors about new policies with lines like "no expectation of privacy". Automated lists group up all women, certain races, ...


Barely anyone who gets the chance to talk openly had too much nice things to say recently.
Certainly not in engineering.
The company likes to talk a ton about there "values", but they don't live that at all. Especially in the more recent times.
I talked about this a good amount here.
If you really need the money or start here for some other reason though - for your own sake be incredibly careful what you say and especially what you type. Keep your opinions to yourself, unless you are sure you know what the others want to hear. This goes super double for Engineering Management. Be very careful.
Maybe it is better for other departments.
Or maybe I am just one of those "problematic people that internalized too much whatevers" but I have had colleagues in engineering ask me if I would give them my private number for private messages and stuff. I did. We met up and had some fun. We drank a little. We talk a little about work and one of them broke down and could not stop crying. It was heartbreaking.


If 12 to 15 hour days, having bend over backward to cover for worldwide time zones with no financial compensation and the expectation to be reachable on mail and chat and whatsnot all the time sounds like balance to you they have that in spades.
Engineering is tough. Deadlines are hard. You know how it is.
If the project runs well you can have certain freedoms, but be aware if you want a nice 9 to 5 this just isn't the place. Or at least it is when you get something to do. Right now it is totally aimless. Just more hiring of managers that seem to hire more managers to congratulate each other. We need REAL help.


There has been some stuff from the old HR team where you could get things like LinkedIn Learning, but this is clearly not a priority for the company.
In terms of career. It really depends.
They are not that big and there isn't really a traditional promotion/career path where you would say stay X years and be expected to become an architect or senior, etc. ...
I honestly don't see that much opportunity for this here.
Sometimes there is lateral stuff. So if you want to make your years of learning coding obsolete I guess you could try to become a product manager?
No really. There is no "traditional" paths here.


It really varies widely depending on your department and role.
Unless you are a sales that brings in good deals, you are not getting rich here.


I can't say how much of a topic that is.
I have not heard anyone focusing on this. At least climate protection or fair trade and such did not really come up in Engineering.


This is so hard to rate.
The average Engineer is awesome, but the best efforts are being made to drive everyone apart. Cross department is really dependent on tons of factors. Your mileage may vary here. The recent focus on activism drove people apart hard though in general.
It used to be that people of all origins and backgrounds just naturally came together to do stuff.
That is dead. You now literally have "diversity and inclusion watchdogs" that check if everything is being done "right".
I got an HR warning about someone reporting "anonymous" micro aggression I seem to have displayed in a comment in my code. Surreal.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

This company does not hire anyone above around 30 unless you are an insanely talented person or know someone.


The top managers are so off track now....
Literally gave people in the US days off and encouraged them to take parts in riots. I mentioned more of that earlier and don't want to write more here. I just want it out of my head & life and move on to a more friendly new work where I can focus on building and the company comes together for that.
Engineering direct top level management is pretty bad. Command and control. A pretty high number of senior devs that could find new jobs already went out of here recently. After that started to take shape the top level engineering management started throwing long standing managers in Engineering out because they tried to stand up for their teams.
Your direct manager may be decent the farther you are away from the top. Just make sure you don't have to interact with higher up and don't open your mouth.


That is very different per person.
I think the company really tries here.
I really wish we would have better computers and more in general. Maybe Tablets + Desktop + Laptop (or flexi one for when we are moving but keep them in stock else) and more options in general. I really love Dell but can't get it.
Office gear is OK-ish. They have some places and ways to get stuff that you can adjust the heights with motors instead of working around with tools but they are rare.
I once talked with the team that does Office stuff and one guy from IT who looked like he never slept in his life, so from what I gather there it is the age old problem of money. But honestly with how much cash they seem to have and how much they got from their investors they should pay more for the equipment of the people if that is what is holding it back.
The stuff isn't bad though. Honestly. I have seen way worse. For engineers you get decent multi cores (8 cores atm), SSD drives, good amount of storage. 32 GB of Ram.
Of course right now we are mostly at home so the Office stuff does not matter that much


Mixed bag - like many things.
There are global meetings that used to be there to get infos about the cool products and positive stuff that went on. Just generally get in on other departments and feel like there is this shared goals. Those have changed now... wrote about that earlier. I mute them now to keep my sanity.
There are enough tools in place that you can talk to the people you actually like or care about.
Pro tip - if you consider someone friends or have political opinions that do not line up with certain US parties and ideologies, under no circumstances use company apps to talk.
If you are in contact with the right people you can have super awesome talks! I will give that to the people that are so great and that I will miss very much!


You can get all the "equality" in the world if you believe in this modern "white people and men" are evil thing.
They even have a special group in the company that will make sure to tell you all about that all the time.
But all cynicism aside, before they started their recent push for activism and (identity) politics, it used to be that we had people from everywhere and all went along.
Before they decided to make skin colors and religions the most important thing in the world, shine a big light on it all the time and view everything out of that angle. Now you can see people trying to avoid other for fear of making a joke that is "problematic" or being seen as "sexist". Best to stick to people who are like you now.
How I miss the days of just being a bunch of crazy people grilling and having a good time.

Interessante Aufgaben

Not sure about all areas of the company.
It is kind of OK in engineering, but the product landscape is just limited. Not that many languages in use, and they don't really allow you to move much around.



Dear Colleague,
We want to thank you for taking the time to give us your comprehensive feedback and rating - we appreciate your honesty either this is positive or negative. We are sorry to read that you are not satisfied with how the company developed over the recent years and that these changes led you to leave us even if you obviously really loved working at Tricentis. Since we live a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration your honesty and personal reaction is essential to us. It is always highly important to us to drive positive changes, we would be very pleased if you would contact our HR team to discuss your feedback in detail. Feel free to reach out to us anytime!
Kind regards,
HR Team

Strong vision, market leader, nice place to work

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.


Open and multi cultural working environment


Tricentis is a well known brand in the industry


Work from home is possible anytime and working hours are very flexible


Many learning and training opportunities in various areas


Fair salaries and benefits


There were some changes recently due to restructuring but things are stabilizing again now


Never had any issues with any manager


Modern office, modern hardware state of the art infrastructure. e.g. switching to homeoffice during the covid crisis was seamless


Communication is very open and transparent and you can reach out to your manager any time with any question. Also, there e.g. are regular town hall meetings during the Covid crisis


No issues observed

Interessante Aufgaben

Tricentis is market leader and offers many challenging opportunities


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Dear Colleague,
Thank you very much for your personal feedback about Tricentis. We are happy to read that you enjoy working with us and that you appreciate all aspects and benefits Tricentis as a company offers to its employees. As an employer, a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration is essential to us, so thank you for sharing your view. Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We wish you a wonderful time a Tricentis.
Kind regards,
HR Team

Command and control, high pressure and no direction.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Tricentis GmbH gearbeitet.

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

There were layoffs in the middle of the covid crisis where it was explicitly mentioned that they are not covid related but due to restructuring.


The environment has been poisoned lately. Command and controll structures in a high pressure environment. This is what it must feel like to work at IBM.


The payment has gotten better but is definitely below average.


New management has strong narcissistic tendencies. Higher level management will talk over you, belittle you and call you insane. There is strong fear mongering. Most employees have by now started to communicate solely over private channels and moved away from company tools like slack because there is a lot of mistrust. There is no direction but a lot of pressure. Especially high level management is completely out of touch with modern management styles and they have no idea of how to manage a younger crowd of employees. No open communication and a ton of politics.


Misogynistic tendencies. Women coming back from maternal leave are treated poorly.

Interessante Aufgaben

Basically the tasks have been the same over the recent years. If you really wanna be on the edge and work with latest technology then this is not the company for you. Also the product is basically legacy and has been brutally gutted over the last 10 years.






Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Dear Colleague,
thank you for taking the time to give us your honest feedback and rating - we appreciate that either positively and negatively! We are sorry to read that the recent developments within our company and changes in our Org-structures made you feel less satisfied. Tricentis offers a culture of appreciative and respectful behavior, communication, transparency and collaboration is essential to us. Since it is always highly important to us to drive positive changes, we would be very pleased if you would contact our HR team to discuss your feedback in detail. Feel free to reach out to us anytime!
Kind regards,

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.
