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Not innovative at all - dont have a clue about industrial standards

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Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Agile Robots SE in München gearbeitet.


The whole management comes from research position of a very well known research institute in Germany. Therefore ALL of them do not know how to create a modern working atmosphere.


The communication is top down, without having proper information sharing channels. There is no value seen in product & project managers and each individual team works for themselves. A reasonable transfer of information, but also a cooperation on a common goal is not promoted.


Within the separate teams, the colleagues are working greatly together. However, most of the teams are acting like they would compete with each other.


At the beginning of Covid, they acted fast in order to get everything running even when working from home. The rest depends a lot on how much each of the employees take for themselfs. Some are working on the weekend, some have the possibility to take time off for their family.


This is the most critical point. As most of the managers are coming from a research position, they do not have a clue how it is working within the industry and how to scale up such a company. No modern working standards, no team building events, you have to do what they say, etc.

Interessante Aufgaben

"Do what you are interested in" - thats in some case their motto. However, everything that they work on is already pre-existing and they try to reinvent the wheel...


The loudest wins...


All have to use Linux laptops. The office in Munich is pretty bad reachable (e.g. via public transportation). The office rooms are pretty elderly equipped. Open-office spaces are very loud.


Not existent


If you ask for it, you can get more and more. Otherwise the standard salary is below market standard.


"The first robotic unicorn in Germany" - but thats it. Everything presented is below industrial standard. No new safety features, no real applications; everything is like a Demo to impress investors.


Learning a lot about how to handle Linux, communicate with Robots, opportunity to spend time on stuff that you want to learn. However nobody is enabling anybody to get better or to get promoted.

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