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Random company

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Working from home and USC. Some colleagues.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Being nice at the beginning, being super fake with smiles and seeming friendly. Putting someone in a role and not even being able to take the best out of them and having no idea what to do with them.


Don't hire randomly talented people without a proper strategy on what to do with them to just fire them later. Take some leadership courses.


Gratitude not shown from the work or initiatives you have. Fear of being laid off any second randomly even if you are a great performer. No direction or clear expectations and a lot of incompetence and randomness in the strategy.


Not a lot of honesty, people hiding or avoiding certain topics and the next day you are just laid off.


Some people are great to work with, they have a lot of competence, talent and genuine enthusiasm to work on some projects.


Some leaders do their best and seem to be put on a difficult position where they can't help themselves much due to the upper management. In general, there should be more training on leading and watch out carefully that they have certain skills in order to provide professional and relevant feedback to their employees.
The worst part is that you can't provide performance feedback to your managers, how is this even possible? You get it from them but can't give it back, it doesn't make sense.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on the team you work for.


You start with a great salary, over the time, even with the inflation, no raise happens and they put it down as something hard to get, compared to other companies that do much better.


On the outside it all looks great. On the inside not reflecting it.


The most terrible thing about the company. There is no professional and relevant feedback provided, it seems like some performance rounds have to be given just for the sake of giving it without serving a purpose. You can be lead by people who don't have the proper skills to give you a complete performance review. You work as hard as you can, doing more than it's requested, just to be told later that this was actually what was expected and you don't get any raise or promotion. You get fooled by believing by continuing working hard and more you will achieve something but in the end you just get laid off.



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