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18 von 157 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

kununu Score: 3,6Weiterempfehlung: 61%

18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

11 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Don't work here if you want job security, a good salary, or career progression. It would be foolish to work here

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

You can work outside of Germany (in the EU) for 6 weeks per year, which is cool. They have very good retirement benefits. The salary is average for Munich but no cost of living increases, 13th month, or holiday pay. There is a good mix of male/female at all levels. The company does a lot to reduce its environmental impact. The office is in a good location and new. They have fun company and team events. The hierarchy is mostly flat. 40% off of products for employees, 20% off for friends and family. When a new product is launched, you get a free one.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Many of the company founders are upper management with little or no work experience before starting this company. As you would guess, they make a lot of bad decisions.

They've fired 50+ people so far this year without providing any legitimate reasons. When people are fired, there is no handover so you suddenly find yourself doing things you have no idea about. Of course, added responsibilities and work load do not earn you any more money, just more stress.

Someone tried to form a worker's Union and they fired around 10 people the very next day (very suspicious) and then had an All Hands about how unions are bad.

The company seems to be struggling financially and I wouldn't be surpised if they became insolvent before the end of 2024. Many big decisions are "gut feeling" not data-driven and this will be the end of the company


Your employees are incredibly unhappy and you're doing nothing to fix that


They do not care about how many hours you have worked and it is not recorded


There is no career progression. The only team that gets promoted is the Strategy team


Salary is bad. No cost of living increases, even if you've worked there for years with good performance reviews

They provide 50 euro for Urban Sports and 50% refund for the Deutschland ticket.


They put a big focus on sustainability, until profits started to be affected, then they just stopped focusing on sustainability

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I think there are only 2 colleagues close to their pension, but they seem happy


Improving, but still not very good







Interessante Aufgaben

3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich7Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People & Culture

With reference to the changed review of 20.03.2024

Dear air uppie,

thank you for taking the time to update your previous review. It's sad to read that you don't seem to be happy with us any more. We would like to comment on the points you mentioned.

You are right, our founders were quite young when air up was brought to life. We would like to add though:
a) without their ingenuity and determination, we wouldn't be here.
b) they have been working on air up for more than 6 years. We believe they have experienced and learned more than many of us in our careers so far.
c) Over the last 2 years, various decisions have been taken to expand the exec board in order to achieve a strategic diversity of seniority and experience.

To your point about compensation, ensuring equality and fairness across our team is a top priority for us. We have invested significant effort into reviewing salary benchmarks to guide our decisions in this regard.

We are really sorry to hear that you feel like only one team get's promotions. We are actually really proud of the 81 employees that received a salary increase across the company and 24 of these increases were connected to a promotion in the last performance round.

We would like to seek an open exchange with you to discuss your concerns relating to recent redundancies and workers council. At this point, we cannot agree with your statements and would like to understand this mismatch, only if you are willing to do so of course.

Thank you again for your feedback, we will definitely work on the topics you have raised and again, we would love to have an open dialogue with you, feel free to reach out to your manager or our P&C team whenever you want.

Your People & Culture Team

With reference to the review which was originally created in June 2023

Dear air uppie,

thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. We appreciate your feedback and take all comments seriously. Nonetheless, we would like to comment on some points of your review.

Firstly, we are really happy to read that you feel good at air up. We love our new office space as much as you do and are very committed to provide a workplace that is inclusive and respectful to all employees. It makes us really proud that we were able to hire such a diverse team as you mentioned.
To your point: "it would be good to see more non-Germans promoted to middle and upper management". We checked the most recent numbers and can proudly say that ~55% of our leadership team is non-German. As mentioned above, we give all employees regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation etc. equal opportunities to grow and succeed.

We are sorry to hear that you don't have transparency about our investors. May we point you in the direction of our internal knowledge management tool or recommend to reach out directly to our Investor Relations Team. Unfortunately, we cannot share the address of specific investors with you ;)

You further write about leavers and a high turnover rate.
We do keep a close eye on this and are happy to report that it is completely within industry standards for a company our size/age. In regard to the names of the people leaving: we proactively communicate each leaver with all of our Managers. We will raise it to the group that they need to communicate it in the respective teams to ensure the information reaches every single one of us.

In case you´d like to share anything else or simply want to talk, please reach out to your HR Business Partner. Again, thank you for staying true to our HONESTY value and sharing your opinion with us.

Your air up People & Culture Team

Die Segel sind auf den richtigen Kurs gesetzt

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Air Up Gmbh in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- spannede Aufgaben
- tolle Kollegen
- Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe
- moderner Arbeitsplatz incl. moderner Tools
- kein 0815 Standard, sondern sehr professionell


- ggf. mehr auf die Tools aufmerksam machen, wo man sich welche Daten/Informationen ziehen kann


Ja, es gab in den letzten Monaten etwas Change, ich würde aber sagen, dass die Stimmung dennoch gut ist.


Ja, manchmal kommt es zu Überstunden, jedoch haben wir freitags einen no Meeting Day und somit kann man freitags auch mal früher in den Feierabend oder seine Überstunden an anderen Tagen ausgleichen.


bAv, gutes Gehalt, Deutschlandticket, Urban Sports Club


Ich finde, wir könnten im Büro mehr auf Süßigkeiten verzichten ;)


In meinem Team gut. Ich würde mir wünschen, dass man Abteilungsübergreifender mehr Berührungspunkte hat.


Könnte mir keinen besseren Vorgesetzten wünschen, auch auf Geschäftsführerebene kann ich mich gut austauschen.


Ich habe alles was ich brauche, Kaffee, Frühstück, ein modernes Büro, Parkplätze und kostenfreie/vergünstigte Produkte


All-Hands Meetings sind transparent gestaltet. Manchmal muss man sich viele Informationen selbst ziehen, wenn man etwas wissen möchte, z.B. Umsatzzahlen etc. Allerdings sind die Tools leicht zu verstehen, man muss aber wie gesagt aktiv sein.


Ich habe noch nie ein Unternehmen erlebt, in dem Gleichberechtigung so natürlich ist. Ich muss mir keine Gedanken machen, was ich morgens anziehe, wenn ich ins Büro gehe, weil ich weiß, niemand würde mich schief anschauen. Danke, dass die Kollegen einem die Gleichberechtigung so einfach machen.

Interessante Aufgaben

Ich bin unheimlich dankbar, was ich hier lernen darf und mit welchen Themen ich konfrontiert werde.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Toller erster Eindruck verpufft sehr schnell

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Home Office, relativ flexible Arbeitszeiten (Abhängig von Bereich und Terminkalender)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Planerische Fehlentscheidungen auf dem Rücken der Belegschaft austragen
- Keinerlei Empathie bei Kündigungen
- Fehlbesetzungen/ Schulungsmangel im
mittleren Management


- Besinnung auf die eigenen ursprünglichen Unternehmenswerte.
- Wertschätzung der Mitarbeiter
- Realistische Ziele, vor allem um die Notwendigkeit teurer, temporärer Freelancer zu minimieren


Die Stimmung im Unternehmen hat ihr neues Tief erreicht. Teils langjährige Mitarbeiter werden unerwartet und mit sofortiger Wirkung gekündigt, so dass sie sich nichtmal selbst von ihren Teams und Kollegen verabschieden können. Meist erfährt man nur durch Zufall davon, dass
ein Kollege/Kollegin plötzlich nicht mehr im Unternehmen ist. Übergaben sind so nicht möglich und die Verbleibenden müssen sehen wer nun der neue Ansprechpartner ist.


Stark schwindend


Hoher Druck, in vielen Bereichen work overload, teils auch künstlich verursacht durch unrealistische Deadlines, die oft keinerlei Begründung haben, außer dass es die GF eben so will.


In die Nachhaltigkeit des Produkts wird tatsächlich viel investiert. Ob dies aus Überzeugung oder durch den Druck des Kundens und dem entsprechenden Marketingaspekt passiert, kann ich nicht wirklich sagen. Das Sozialbewusstsein ist wohl eher mangelhaft, wenn Mitarbeiter im Stil a la Elon Musk random gekündigt und sofort alle Unternehmenszugänge gekappt werden. Sehr enttäuschend. Da lernt man, dass man eben doch nur eine Ressource ist.


Es werden lieber externe Mitarbeiter eingestellt, statt interne zu entwickeln. Gerne aus dem persönlichen Netzwerk der Führungsebene und nicht selten auch auf Kosten bestehender Mitarbeiter. Insbesondere beim Aufbau des Tech departments gab es hier m. E. einige sehr fragwürdige Entscheidungen


Grundsätzlich gut, durch den Druck und die Angst vor Kündigung jedoch deutlich abnehmend. Im Zweifel kämpft eben doch jeder für sich selbst.


Sehr viele Manager haben keine Ahnung von moderner Mitarbeiterführung, mangels Erfahrung, Weiterbildungsangeboten aber auch Eignung. Leider fällt sowas immer zu Lasten der Teams


Wie vorangehend erwähnt mangelt es deutlich in Transparenz und Wertschätzung, während man seitens derGeschäftsführung nicht müde wird die tolle und offene Kommunikation im Unternehmen zu loben. Seitens Belegschaft, wie auch den letzten Bewertungen hier zu entnehmen ist, wird das nicht so empfunden.


Fand ich durchaus überzeugend aber der neue Trend ist das Streichen dieser Benefits. Selbst das diesjährige Sommerfest wurde gestrichen. Hier spart man meiner Meinung nach am falschen Ende, da der persönliche Austausch zu einem solchen Anlass für eine remote-First-Company von großem Wert ist.
Auch erlaubt man sich Sonderzahlungen nur an eine definierte Gruppe von Mitarbeitern zu zahlen, was, unabhängig der Fairness, laut Gleichstellungsgesetz noch nicht einmal rechtens ist. Hier macht man sich wohl die Unwissenheit der meist jungen oder auch ausländischen Mitarbeiter zu nutzen.


Oberflächlich ja, sieht man genauer hin ist das doch leider nicht immer der Fall.

Interessante Aufgaben

4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich9Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People & Culture

Dear air uppie,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on your experience at our company.
Transparency and open communication are essential values within our teams, and your perception of the situation is important to us.
We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels informed and included.

At air up, we strongly advocate for transparency in sharing both our achievements and obstacles. Our fundamental principle is to provide transparency regarding numbers, whether they indicate success or challenges.

We place full trust in the expertise of our teamies. Their keen understanding of business insights empowers them to request timeline adjustments or prompt project acceleration as needed to achieve their objectives.
We acknowledge that some of our ambitious goals may appear challenging from your perspective. We are eager to gain a deeper understanding of your viewpoint. Please feel free to reach out to one of the business partners or your manager to discuss this further. Your opinion is valuable to us, and we would appreciate the opportunity to hear it.

In addition to that, we do hear your concerns regarding fairness in salary and bonus payments. Ensuring equality and fairness across our team is a top priority for us. We have invested significant effort into reviewing salary benchmarks to guide our decisions in this regard.

At air up, we prioritize the well-being of our team members, which extends to making thoughtful decisions to effectively manage our company's resources. Our aim is to make the smartest decisions for our team members. We recognize that individual situations may differ, and we are dedicated to addressing any concerns or questions you may have, particularly if you feel there have been changes.

If you feel more comfortable in an anonymous exchange, please make use of Officevibe. Thank you for giving us the feedback, we are looking forward to hearing from you.

Dear teamie, in order to effectively address your concerns, we encourage you to engage in an open dialogue with either your manager or your Business Partner. If you prefer an anonymous way, please make use of Officevibe.

Thank you again and we are looking forward to having a dialogue with you.
Your air up P&C team

Random company

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Working from home and USC. Some colleagues.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Being nice at the beginning, being super fake with smiles and seeming friendly. Putting someone in a role and not even being able to take the best out of them and having no idea what to do with them.


Don't hire randomly talented people without a proper strategy on what to do with them to just fire them later. Take some leadership courses.


Gratitude not shown from the work or initiatives you have. Fear of being laid off any second randomly even if you are a great performer. No direction or clear expectations and a lot of incompetence and randomness in the strategy.


On the outside it all looks great. On the inside not reflecting it.


The most terrible thing about the company. There is no professional and relevant feedback provided, it seems like some performance rounds have to be given just for the sake of giving it without serving a purpose. You can be lead by people who don't have the proper skills to give you a complete performance review. You work as hard as you can, doing more than it's requested, just to be told later that this was actually what was expected and you don't get any raise or promotion. You get fooled by believing by continuing working hard and more you will achieve something but in the end you just get laid off.


You start with a great salary, over the time, even with the inflation, no raise happens and they put it down as something hard to get, compared to other companies that do much better.


Some people are great to work with, they have a lot of competence, talent and genuine enthusiasm to work on some projects.


Some leaders do their best and seem to be put on a difficult position where they can't help themselves much due to the upper management. In general, there should be more training on leading and watch out carefully that they have certain skills in order to provide professional and relevant feedback to their employees.
The worst part is that you can't provide performance feedback to your managers, how is this even possible? You get it from them but can't give it back, it doesn't make sense.


Not a lot of honesty, people hiding or avoiding certain topics and the next day you are just laid off.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on the team you work for.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich9Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

All the glitter, but only on the outside

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Remote work, great colleagues

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Not acting according their own values anymore. On your career page you say,
that your employees are your most precious capital. It really does not feel like that anymore.


Appreciate your employees and be respectful, even if you have to lay off people. Look more inside to find talents, instead of hiring your management buddies. Make sure team leads are trained as such. Stop spending money like a big player, and then go nuts after a view underperforming months. We are still a scale up.


The spirit within the company changed drastically in the last two years. They tried to be hip and fancy, but this did not hold for long. Now, benefits get killed again and plenty of people get layed off. It does not feel like an appreciative and safe place to work anymore.


Shiny on the outside, but it stops there…


The pressure is extremely high, and although each and everyone is going above and beyond to meet the expectations, it is never rewarded. In every all hands meeting, we are just told, that it is only on us, to improve the current performance. It is never talked about the poor management decisions, that also brought us into this situation in the first place. Shit happens and you learn from your mistakes, but the blame game, especially from the C-level, is big and very demotivating.


They rather higher someone new from there awesome „network“ instead of supporting and developing people that are already doing this job for years. We have a yearly training budget, which just was put on hold.


They just introduced carrier lathers with salary ranges per function. They also support a pension plan and sport clubs etc. Let‘s see if there will be any cuts on this too.
We did not get any inflation support payments, like many other companies did, based on the tax free payments the government offered.


There are amazing people working for air up and it is always very collaborative to work with peers. I never worked in a company before, were the intrinsic motivation and passion of employees was so high.
Unfortunately, this great work spirit is heavily impacted by the awful decisions and actions from the middle, but especially upper management.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Generally a very young team, amongst all departments, but I never experienced any difference in how older colleagues are treated


This depends a lot on the team. There are great leaders, such that try their best but just miss some experience and others, that are just not leaders at all. They should train their managers and define some standards and guidelines. Generally speaking, micromanagement is big at air up, and got way worse in the last two years.


There is a lot of communication going on, and management was always praising them self for their great transparency. This might have been the case as long as everything was good. As numbers are not as good as expected, they are quick to cut their open communication amongst all teamies. Especially the way how they communicate, misses the respect for the people working for air up and giving their all since many years. People just get a random call, where they are told that they are released, and they are logged off all company systems right after. You don’t even have the chance to say bye to your colleagues.

Interessante Aufgaben

In theory, there a many very interesting and challenging positions at air up. With the level of micromanagement we face from managers, there unfortunately is not much left. But of course you are still responsible in case of a *uck up, although your manager took all the decisions for you




4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich10Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People & Culture

Dear air uppie,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We genuinely appreciate your perspective and take your concerns seriously.

On behalf of the P&C department, we would like to emphasize, that creating a work environment where our teamies feel valued and have opportunities for personal and professional development is indeed a top priority for us.

With that being said, we would like to address the points that you've mentioned:

We acknowledge your concerns regarding new hires: Fostering a culture of growth and development within our organization is very important to us. Please rest assured that we are always dedicated to considering both internal and external opportunities to ensuring the right decision - for our teams but also for our new teamies. This is the utmost priority for our Recruiting team.

Additionally, we do understand that you have concerns regarding matters influenced by our leadership. Your differentiated opinion is crucial to us, and we want to assure you that maintaining transparency within our company is a core goal of our board. Transparency at air up, extends beyond mere numerical honesty; it involves providing context for ongoing developments, whether they be successes or challenges.
We strongly believe in fostering an environment where our teams and their ideas are not steered by higher-level managers. Instead, we encourage freedom and ownership, allowing our teamies the space to develop their best ideas based on their expertise to tackle challenges or maintain success.

We do understand that you don't feel that degree of freedom, which could lead to the feeling of pressure. We would like to reassure you that your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed. It's concerning to hear that you feel your efforts are not being adequately recognized or rewarded. Employee recognition and appreciation are fundamental aspects of our company culture.

To address your concerns effectively, we encourage you to have an open conversation with your manager or your Business Partner. We would like to hear more about your concerns to find solutions that suit your needs and ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Thank you again and we wish you all the best,
Your air up P&C team

Nette Kollegen, mangelndes Management

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Air Up Gmbh in München gearbeitet.


viel schlechte Stimmung im
Büro… da bleibt man lieber im Home Office


Leider nicht mehr so gut, wie es einmal war


Das hängt leider von deinem Vorgesetzten ab…


Meist toller Zusammenhalt zwischen Kollegen. Es gibt aber auch schwarze Schafe, die teilweise respektlos miteinander umgehen!


Es fehlt leider an Führungsqualitäten in sehr vielen Bereichen…


Viele Teams müssen sich an Arbeitszeiten halten und 4 Tage im Office präsent sein! Viel Flexibilität hat man also nicht


Transparente Kommunikation kommt oft zu spät oder garnicht




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben

4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich9Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People & Culture

Dear air uppie,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. Based on what you've mentioned, we understand how you perceive the situation and would like to address some key aspects you mentioned.

Due to the nature of our work, which involves a physical product, certain departments require regular access to the office for essential tools and project necessities. Recognizing this, significant efforts were made during the setup of our new office to guarantee convenient resource access for all of our teamies.
But our commitment doesn't stop there. We consistently strive for a collaborative atmosphere, a task overseen by our Spaces team. Among their responsibilities is ensuring that our teamies feel valued and enabled to achieve their goals with the support of what is offered in our office hub.
This includes our mutual respect, as we place emphasis on reliability when it comes to meetings. However, outside of that, there are no rigid working hours that teamies are required to adhere to. We strongly believe in fostering our flexible and accommodating work environment.

We also recognize that strong leadership is essential for creating such a positive and productive workplace culture.
Therefore, we are dedicated to provide our leaders with the necessary training and support to help them excel in their roles. We encourage open and transparent communication between managers and teamies to address any concerns and ensure that everyone feels heard and valued.
Hence, your input is very important for us and that's why we would like to encourage you to have an open conversation with your manager or HR Business Partner. This will provide us with a more comprehensive understanding of your concerns and allow us to address them more effectively.

Thank you and we are looking forward to hearing from you,
Your air up P&C team

Vermeide es, dich diesem Unternehmen anzuschließen.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Air Up Gmbh in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Einige Teams sind besser als andere, es hängt vom Erfahrungsniveau des Managers ab. Es gibt viele gutmütige Menschen in der Firma.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Keine Transparenz in der Kommunikation
Führung durch Angst
Keine Verantwortlichkeit seitens des oberen Managements
Das Management-Team hat keine Erfahrung und gibt es nicht zu
Entscheidungen dauern eine Ewigkeit, selbst bei kleinen Dingen
Leute verschwinden aus der Firma ohne Informationen, und wenn du etwas fragst, wird dir gesagt, dass du nicht fragen sollst.


Sie führen durch Angst.


Es wird viel über Work-Life-Balance geredet, aber am Ende kümmert sich dein Manager nie wirklich um dich.


Es arbeiten großartige Leute dort, aber sie werden zu stark kontrolliert und man vertraut ihnen nicht, Entscheidungen in ihrem Fachbereich zu treffen.


Selbst erfahrene Manager haben keine Ahnung, wie man Menschen führt, und du musst dich an ihre Pläne halten. Wenn du anderer Meinung bist, fliegst du raus mit seltsamen und unsinnigen Begründungen.


Undurchsichtige Kommunikation - totaler Buzzkill!


Fairness liegt nicht wirklich in den Fähigkeiten des Unternehmens.

Interessante Aufgaben

Oftmals landest du bei Aufgaben, von denen du weißt, dass sie null bis gar keine Auswirkungen haben, weil sie von deinem Vorgesetzten entschieden werden.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich11Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People & Culture

Dear former air uppie,

Thank you for taking the time to write a review for us. We appreciate your feedback and take all comments seriously as they help us identify areas for improvement. We value your opinion a lot and would like to comment on your points.

Transparency in communication is an integral part of our company culture and we regret to hear you felt like there was a lack of transparency. In our monthly All-Hands meetings we are making sure to give updates and providing more detailed information on company decisions for all air uppies. Furthermore, we are ensuring that channels for feedback are easily accessible to all employees.
We truly believe that good leaders create a strong team development. We want to assure you that we are committed to providing our management team with the support and resources they need to succeed in their roles. That's why we have recently rolled out our Leadership Development Program, which is designed to further ensure a valuable leadership experience in the future.
We are sorry to hear that you felt micromanaged by your leader with not having the alignment we share with all of our teamies. All of our managers are encouraged to lead by example in order to find the best portion of collaboration and creation of a dynamic and self-fulfilling atmosphere for our teamies. Our goal is to cultivate an environment where our employees feel empowered to take ownership of their work while also providing support and guidance when needed. Nevertheless, we will take this into consideration to make sure to further strengthen the trustful relationship between managers and their teamies for the future.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific concerns in more detail and address any issues that you may have encountered. Please feel free to contact your HR Business Partner or message us under jobs@air-up.com.

Thank you again and we wish you all the best,
Your air up P&C team

Startup im E-Commerce

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Air Up Gmbh in München gearbeitet.


Workation möglich

Interessante Aufgaben

In einem Startup hat man vielfältige Aufgaben







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






Think New, Work New.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Recht / Steuern bei air up GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

air up ist die perfekte Anlaufstelle für jede/n, der/die eine neue Herausforderung sucht und aus dem üblichen 0815-Job ausbrechen möchte. Die Aufgaben sind vielfältig und es gibt reichlich davon, um eine nachhaltig spannende Tätigkeit in einem jungen, von Innovation und Leistung getriebenen Umfeld zu gewährleisten. Der Recruiting-Prozess, die Kultur, die Denkweise, die genutzten Tools, die Zusammenarbeit sind super modern. Das schafft insgesamt, ob Remote oder im neuen Office im Münchener Werksvierteil, besondere Anreize, sich hier geforderd aber auch wohl zu fühlen! Die gelebte Transparenz von Management-Level bis in die Teams ist wahnsinnig erfrischend. Das habe ich in der Form vorher noch nicht gesehen. Die vorhandenen Corporate Benefits runden das Gesamtpaket ab.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


The best job I've had so far...

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Air Up Gmbh in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They look out for their employees, and employee health and mental health is at the forefront. No matter what, you can talk to HR or your direct manager and get the help you need.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.
