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Great product but lousy people management

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Zeitarbeiter/inHat bis 2015 im Bereich Beschaffung / Einkauf bei Airbus Operations GmbH in Hamburg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Product
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Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

they have become too big to be efficient. On one hand people with years of experience and eagerness to change something are being let go because of a law (Leiharbeitskraft max 2 years) that has not even become effictive. On the other hand they are dragging so many people with them that dont do anything but are safe because somebody gave them a permanent contract at some stage.
As an Leiharbeitskraft you constantly have the feeling that something negative is going to happen.
I see it as extremely critical that Airbus decides to give very important jobs to Leiharbeitskräfte who can be out of the company at any given moment.


Look at your permanent people and Leiharbeitskräfte and decide on skills an ability not on type of contract when you fire people.


2014: LAKs decreased with 1000.
2015: similar outlook.
you can imagine the atmosphaere.


The direct management is not to blame because they are very limited in their decision power. Therefore they cannot communicate anything. Since the company is so big there are constantly rumours on LAKs and nobody can really settle them. Or at least tries.


Even though Airbus promotes home office work, it is extremely dificutl to convince the direct managers to do a home office day from time to time.


In my case, i was lucky to have a very supporting manager. However a lot of them are only in their mid thirties and already think about the next step when they have just started the position.

Interessante Aufgaben

In my case, I learned a lot and would not have left the job if the outlook for Leiharbeitskräfte would have been better.


Airbus is massively putting women on senior positions regardless of their sills to perform such position.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I havent seen a lot of older people. In hte past three years Airbus has transfered many young french people from Toulouse or send a lot of VIEs from all over Europe. These colleagues are normally beginning 20s and cost the company little money.


In my case we were sitting with too many people in one room. This has worsened over the past two years when every department got his VIE(assistant). When 500-700 extra people join on such contract and no extra space is created you can imagine the situation.


They money is certainly not bad but when you are doing a better and or more important job than colleagues with a permanent contract that earn more, there is something wrong.


Is there anything bigger in Hamburg than building Aircrafts. Great product!


Forget development plans when you are an LAK






Thank you for your feedback. We would like to comment on some topics that you mentioned and hope to be able to provide some clarification.

Airbus’ success is based on diversity and it is recognised as a business priority as it drives performance. Of course it is one of our objectives to support women in our company develop and grow, which is especially important for a company in an industry which is often dominated by men. However, while we are committed to improving the diversity of our workforce, we have targets but not quotas as the rule is that a job is always given to the best person for that position, based on their skills and experience alone. All our senior managers have to pass an assessment centre before entering the higher position which is the same for everyone.

Our products demand highly qualified employees with a profound and specific knowledge and a lot of experience so older people with experience are as important for our company as young people. Overall, Diversity is key for us because it leads us to innovation and performance.

The VIE programme that you mentioned is a great opportunity for young people to gain international work experience which is interesting to Airbus recruiters if relevant jobs are available, but also a valuable asset on your CV if you wish to apply to other companies in industry.

We really appreciate your feedback which is always helpful to improve. We wish you all the best for your future!
