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A boat of lovers.

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Amorelie.de / Sonoma Internet GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The incredible people & the great team events.
And that everyone from intern to Head-of is treated with respect.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

No transparent salaries, a lack of internal career options


Publish salary ranges. Improve the communication with the mother company. Work on talent retention.


AMORELIE went through an M&A with the EQOM group in late 2021/early 2022. Currently we're in a bit of an in-between stage: we're not standing in front of a shambles anymore but we're also not yet back in calm-flow-mode again.

The current situation means that a lot is open for discussion, you can build your own position to some extent, and proactivity and entrepreneurial spirit is warmly welcomed.

If you love start-ups, are hands-on and open for new challenges and quick developments and prefer them over complete stability and business-as-usual, I can recommend AMORELIE.


Since the leadership change a few months ago (from an external M&A advisor to two directors who have worked for AMORELIE for a long time + a third director from EQOM), communication has vastly improved.

Before the change, we had the feeling that we were ignored by the management and that we were a liability rather than an asset for AMORELIE. This was weird.

Since the change however, at least I feel mostly seen and valued. Communication is in time and mostly transparent within AMORELIE. The communication between the mother company EQOM and AMORELIE still lags sometimes a bit but they seem to be improving it step by step.


If there'd one thing about AMORELIE I want to point out it's the team:

I never came across so many dedicated, considerate, honest, open-minded and lovely souls like at AMORELIE. This holds especially true for those that are still here: everyone is really looking out for one another, from leadership to interns and working students.

You really can bring in your personality and no one judges you for being different - it's embraced. Everyone is also really understanding if one faces mental health issues or has a hard time at some point - no judgment there. No one talks you down.

It may be the fact that having to deal with sextoys the entire day makes you more open in other senses as well or attracts a certain clientele but if there is one thing that really sets AMORELIE apart from any other company I've ever seen it's its people <3

Also, the team events are frequently LEGENDARY!


Work-life-balance is great. Since we went to restructuring at times and some positions were merged, it went up at some point but as soon as I pointed it out to my manager, she did a great job reducing my workload.

AMORELIE also allows you to take unpaid leave once you've used up your vacation days, so you can make sure to get the rest you need.


What I wrote about the team is true for my manager as well. I always felt seen, acknowledged and valued. I also received regular advice from her so I felt I could develop personally and professionally.

Interessante Aufgaben

Sometimes they are challenging and insightful, sometimes they are boring and plain... just like anywhere else. In sum, it was good for me this way. Sometimes I wish that I could have had more room for development - like attending an external training for new tools or the like.


There could always be more but with two women out of three leadership roles, we're on a good track.
There's also plenty of colleagues that belong to the LGBTQ* community and openly talk about it. I cannot judge from experience but I have the feeling that everyone is welcomed the way they are.
The management also listens if things pop up that are discriminating in one or another way - and takes action as much as possible.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The oldest colleagues are around 40 I believe - but other than that I believe that age does not play a role at AMORELIE as long as you share the team spirit!


Some supplies in the office are a bit old-fashioned (no high tech height-adjustable desks) but it's not too bad. The current office is a bit small but I heard that there should be a new larger office soon.

AMORELIE also allows you to mostly work from home if you prefer this and compensates you monthly for this.


Selling sextoys wrapped in - mostly - plastic ... could be better I guess but it's the hygiene standards of the industry. For those climate-friendly vegans: there is usually oatmilk in the fridge and vegan food options on team events.


The salary is alrighty-ish but obviously could be higher... Berlin start-up life I guess.
I would also appreciate if there was more transparency regarding salaries. The contract forbids you to talk about the salary with your colleagues. I think if AMORELIE had nothing to hide this would not have been necessary. This way it feels a bit that what you earn doesn't depend on what you do but on how skilled you are at negotiating.


The brand has a great reputation despite some internal struggles in the past.
And also the values lived internally are great - most employees came for the brand and stayed for the values.


Due to the M&A, everything is quite agile and fluid at the moment, so some people also seized the moment and were promoted - so there are definitely some chances if you look out for them.

Yet in general, career perspectives could be improved. I sometimes feel that especially the mother company EQOM is a bit sluggish when it comes to talent retention. I saw people leaving because they felt they could develop further somewhere else or because they weren't given a suitable offer in time.

Also, more external trainings could be offered.

The management is aware of all this, so I hope it will improve soon.
