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Dear managing directors, you must think we employees are fools...

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Amorelie.de / Sonoma Internet GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Currently only the team's bond

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Laughable communication, absolutely embarrassing. What did you think Eqom?


Eqom, get a new guy who can actually communicate.


Uncertainty, frustration and no more motivation due to the complete and utter incompetence, by the new owners and their chief executive officer.


One star is already too much. The Eqom group hired some guy from an external company to clean Amorelie up from the inside. There is nothing wrong about that. After all it is a business and not a charity. But the lack of proper communication is stunning. They constantly try to pack everything in nice and fancy words. Inflationary usw of words like "synergies". He must think that we are all complete fools not knowing what is going on. PLEASE: Just talk with us in plain and direct matter and like adults instead of bubble wrapping everything! The form of communication is absolutely embarrassing for a business person and I have worked for multiple high profile companies. Never encountered this.


Everybody tries to comfort each other. Before Eqom took over the whole company was a joy when it came to colleagues. Home office of course took it's toll, so in some departments I don't know one person. Other than that, Amorelie always hired empathic human beings.


The time outside work hours has always been respected. They never called my during my vacation. It wasn't able to take all vacation at once. We had to split it throughout the year. So if I wanted to take a 4 world trip, it might have been a problem... but maybe there would have been the possibility just talking to the managers. I never really challanged it.


I pretty much wrote everything in the communication segment. In Germany they would say "Klartext reden." They don't talk "Klartext". They talk with everybody like a kid. To Eqom: Sometimes it is not only about hiring a guy to do the dirty work, but also somebody who can actually communicate. This could have solved a lot of problems in the first place. What a shame.


Amorelie was always about equality.


They told us to move from our big office into a super small office space not even 2 weeks before we actually had to move (communication!). Now the office looks like a battlefield, everybody is trying to get their stuff out and save what can be saved. It underlines the current situation and the utter lack of communication.


Amorelie always cared about equality and gender and all of that. Not so much about the environment, but that is how I personally perceive it.


Average. Could be better, could be worse.


Well if firing whole departments is considered as further education, here you go.
