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2 von 77 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

kununu Score: 3,6Weiterempfehlung: 50%

2 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

"O.K." place to work

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Amway GmbH in Puchheim gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Home Office
- Team
- Internationality

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Location
- Communication
- Image
- Appreciation and valuation of one's work


- Hire a proper HR team and get into employer branding real quick!
- Provide skill enhancement & training to your employees!
- Think twice about seniority if it means less productivity, under-performing, laziness and adaptation issues! Longevity over merit is not a way to go.
- Train & develop your key employees, launch a proper merit compensation plan


Redesigned office space, open spaces for various teams, very nice atmosphere inside (new design, colors, cafeteria, relax room) but the office is located in a secluded area => not much around. On the other hand the location is ideal if you like to jog (shower rooms in office and green surroundings).

Thanks to the workers' council and engaged employees, there seems to be a constant try to improve fairness and trustfulness.


Bad image => multi level marketing, pyramid scheme, cult! Name it - I've heard it all.
People below the age of 40 have almost no idea what Amway is or does.
Old fashioned but it the wake of remodeling, digitalization, modernization
Many employees are loyal to the image and corporate culture, the new overall concept and leitmotiv/values and not tangible.


Before Corona : Gleitzeit, Kernarbeitszeit, loads of flexibility if your Upline allows it (i.e. private appointments during the day as long as you have an eye on your workload & hours), Home Office possibility twice a week. Overall I would say that the company was very flexible
30 days vacation + 24.12 & 31.12 off + special days off

During Corona : We were directly advised not to take holidays during specific periods (months). Understaffed, workload has exploded and work-life-balance is a dream far away. Not unusual to work more than 10h. Even though the worker's council is supposed to make sure employees won't work more than allowed, the reality looks different and that kind of work ethic is indirectly promoted.


Almost no career opportunity or mobility given => Lots of job postings are advertised internally first, but this seems to be a formality as new internal hire seems to remain very low.

+ negative points : many fixed term contracts (that will be renewed as long as possible without any guaranty) & external contracts via temp agencies


Salary : competitive, salary grids => but negotiate well! Small yearly compensation for inflation. Salary raises are accepted on a whim, no real scheme here + bonus at the end of the year (don't get too excited on that one)

Fringe benefits : almost none existent (access to corporate benefits website and another similar site), subsidy for canteen, international health insurance coverage, 50 EUR birthday voucher, and a few other none significant benefits
=> No MVV Ticket!



Product wise : All plastic and more plastic.... New product/packaging design does not support any environmental or sustainable goals.

Internal : No Corporate Social Responsibility whatsoever!
I've only experienced 1 product campaign that was launched and were turnover was donated to local NGO/organization, in the past we had internal product sale with donation to local organization => everything comes from single individual (employee), there is no corporate drive to improve or excel in that field.


I was blessed with a very nice team. High team spirit.
No team building activities organized! Overall there seems to be no incentive from the Upline to proactively nurture a good working environment and team spirit, high turnover.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Seniority (10 years+++) is not rare at Puchheim's office.
This is something that is valued and recognized by HR (bonus, certificate, internal communication).
I've experienced that the company does give anybody a chance, post-graduate or experienced/senior job-seeker. Qualification is key.

DOWNSIDE : Unfortunately, the other side of the coin and higher job tenure also goes with favored application for leave, laissez-faire attitude => discouraging for newcomers!
There is also a very American way of managing it all with a hire and fire culture.


As mentioned before, it is 100 % top-down principal, very old fashioned.
Feedback is rarely given (except feedback talks that are monitored by management), constructive feedback is rarely given.
Comprising employees' thoughts and feedback in improvement measures is rare, bottom-up initiatives seems to be pointless if Upline is not willing to go the extra mile. Loads of smooth-talk and rubbing the right way.


Very loud office space, no A/C (very hot in summer), new technical equipment if needed (also for home office use), clock-in/clock-out, cafeteria => overall good


Very old fashioned internal communication => Top-down principal is applied, important information within the team are communicated poorly or last-minute, no "jour fixe" in our team (once a month with no structure at all), home office due to corona has clearly worsened the situation!
Newly implemented employee quarterly check up without clear goals and objective set-up.
An open door culture is promoted but in reality open feedback is not welcomed and rarely leads to improvement.
No strategic or goals oriented meetings (where are me at, what are our goals as a team, where to we need to go in the future...) => hard to keep up with that kind of information.



Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks are not clearly defined and distributed by Upline.
Workload can be organized freely by oneself.
Trust that the work will be done most of the time.


Entscheidungsprozesse können schon mal bis in alle Ewigkeit dauern

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Amway in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Absolute Flexibilität in Sachen Home-Office und freie Zeiteinteilung. Dies war schon vor Corona so.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die Managementebene ist überwiegend fachfremd, d.h. wichtige Entscheidungen können nur mühsam gefällt werden. Die Mitarbeiter versuchen in endlosen Erklärungen Entscheidungen herbeizuführen, was jedoch äußerst zäh ist. Hier könnte man wenigstens in der ersten Managementebene Fachkompetente Kollegen einsetzen.




Freundliches, kollegiales Miteinander.


Multi Level Marketing Unternehmen haben ja grundsätzlich keinen so guten Ruf!


1A mit Sternchen.


Weiterbildung okay, Karriere eher nicht. Insbesondere wegen Umstrukturierungsmaßnahmen.


Überdurchschnittlich! Jedenfalls verglichen mit dem, was ich bei anderen Arbeitgebern erlebt habe.




Habe nie irgendeine negative Erfahrungen gemacht. Meine Vorgesetzten waren immer angemessen höflich, zuvorkommend, und super Teamleiter.


Das Bürogebäude ist ein bisschen alt. Keine Klimaanlage. Wird aber künftig besser, da eine Renovierung geschlossen.


Fast schon zu viel! Alles wird transparent und ausführlich kommuniziert.

Interessante Aufgaben

Ein Stern Abzug: aufgrund der unglaublich langsamen Arbeitsweise und langen Entscheidungswege wird eine anfangs interessante Aufgabe irgendwann langatmig.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

