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Beware of hire & fire in the probation period

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I have observed people getting fired out of process with no performance review, just an OK from the C-Suite. Management changes its mind very often about organizational design and required skills, according to my observations. Positions are published without what I consider enough thought about a time horizon beyond the present, even when immigration, families, leaving good jobs, etc. are involved. "There's always a probation period" was something I heard very often.


Hire executives who have experience and maturity not to change their minds every few months and fire the poor souls theiy lured into Babbel.


Distrustful and chaotic with an superficial layer of fake-enlightenment.


Chaotic. Lack of organizational alignment.


The Berlin office and the New York office are in a constant power struggle. The New York office hired duplicate teams so they could deal less with the Berlin office, I was told. That is how bad the working together is.


"Everybody works on the weekend, but nobody talks about it," is a quote.


The C-Suite has approved firings within the probation period without formal HR review processes. I was told that being bullied is a "gift" when I talked about behavior I considered unethical. Additionally, I had to ask 3 times for my written references before I got them.


Management in the presence of HR gave me feedback about my family relationships. HR did not interrupt or stop, even when I signaled the feedback was inappropriate. Non-Christian holidays were not respected, despite being in a company calendar. Comments about too much of a certain ethnic group being in a department were made to me. Diversity and inclusion at Babbel is below the German / Western European standard, in my experience. It is very sad to see PR around inclusion and diversity when Babbel acts the way I have seen them act. Heart breaking. Hurtful to the individuals hurt by their carelessness, sexism and ethnocentrism, in my view.


The IT department is very good.


No meat allowed at company events. Everybody uses the same toilette. Yet they still manage to be sexist, ethnocentric and unsensitive to non-Christians, in my experience.


Individual contributors often complain about salaries being below standard.


Way to good because of the diversity and inclusion PR.

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