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Would not recommend at all

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei BMW Motorsport in München gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

For a Sunday allowance I had to run after my whole internship, until I was told that the money for my demand and effort would not be worth it. Sorry, but as a student you have to rely on every cent, which was totally put down. No one cared about it
Errors on the part of management swept under the carpet
Not an open communication culture, not open to innovation.
I used the "Remind Recipient" function in Outlook and was publicly executed in the team meeting because of it and I was forbidden to use similar functions with the reason "in 20 years at BMW I have never seen and used anything like that, we don't do that here at bmw". So please, if you use Microsoft programs, you should know how to use them.


There is no equality. You have supervisors who tell you what you are allowed to do. Every email that is sent has to be coordinated with everyone in the team, they are almost never available for new things. The tasks are rather tasks that the managers themselves don't want to do and hand over, e.g. assembling PPT slides about global marketing activities that are stored in the drive anyway, setting appointments etc. I didn't learn much to be honest.


cohesion...well. You're just a trainee who is sent back and forth and has to do tasks like service management, office cleaning, and PPT preparation.


You can't really say that you have a work life balance, you are allowed to work from home, but you have to coordinate a thousand times before you are allowed to do so. You are given the feeling right from the start that you are only a trainee and that your position is lower (not directly but through actions).


-The supervisors are more focused on getting their budget and executing their goals. There is no real leadership, which is a shame. They tend to suck up to a higher level to achieve their goals.
-Micromanagement is the order of the day and is considered normal.
-It is not wanted that "lower positions" address, write to higher ones, etc. When I asked to speak to the works council (for approval of weekend work), I was laughed at and talked out of it.


Not available for my opinion


-Very old building without air conditioning.
-Coffee you have to pay yourself, in many large companies the standard coffee is usually free (except barista). Work processes are super slow, get used to hierarchy and complicated paperwork and online forms to be able to do anything at all.

-Everyone works on their own, no feeling of real community.

-Comments like "i should get this cabinet since i work at bmw longer and you are an intern" are considered normal

-As an intern, you are used as an errand boy for things like "the monitors are broken, take care of it", "there are plates lying around, take care of it", etc. And are sold as projects. What are cleaning staff for?

-People are surprised that interns are entitled to vacation at all, and after using my vacation days, they were shocked about it, so communication is very weak. In my feedback interview, I was accused of exactly that: that I had taken too much vacation time. Although I was contractually entitled to this and it was communicated beforehand!
I understand feedback to be something different.


Salary is ok. For that money I would prefer working in another company



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