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Growing startup with a strange company culture

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Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Cazoo gearbeitet.


I can't see Cazoo's corporate philosophy and strategy. A lot of empty words. They always talk about team players, but the truth is that they don't value employees at all, promises are not kept.


Communication completely non-transparent even on important issues.


Cool team in Munich but: Many employees feel they are being monitored and spied on.


UK management has a strange management style. For example, German employees are questioned about their German superiors. They are asked how satisfied they are with the superiors, etc.. All this is done in a completely non-transparent way. You also don't know why this is done.


I have been waiting for weeks to be allocated Cazoo shares.


It seems they have no real plan and just copy. All they care about is winning. This is communicated over and over again in All Hands. But yes of course Cazoo is growing fast….


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Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. As we continue to integrate the Cazoo strategy and culture into the local teams, one of our main priorities is to ensure that employees feel valued and heard. We realise that a transition from one management style to another can be difficult and we are here to support you through this process. So whilst we appreciate that there is still some work to be done, we trust that you will start to feel more positive about the adjustments as we wrap up the integration process.
We are very proud to now be able to offer all employees share options in Cazoo, thanks to our recent listing on the NYSE. This is not a process that can happen overnight but is representative of our phenomenal joint success so far and sets us all up for a great future.
