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cbs Corporate Business Solutions GmbH Logo



cbs can be your dream company or just a transit station, luck needed

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei cbs Corporate Business Solutions GmbH in Heidelberg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

New head quarter, branches in many countries, relocation offered, Welling to improve things and solve problems (external questionnaire/assessment)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

like other companies, has also bad people onboard


actively and fairly divide the project load. Be better informed about the inside happennings of the teams to be able stopping problems developing. introduce the dividends to better honnorate the consultants.
That the law make it very difficult to fire people, bring carrer trainer on board to help problematic people "calm down".
Dear cbs HR,
That one must recommend or disrecommend a company being reviews, I found myself forced to choose the first choice. For me, a recommendation is in place when I don't see risks for new candidates already at the beginning! I would have chosen to be neutral. One may appeal to Kununu to make the recommendation optional!


The company has absolutly first class people but:
Some teams/departements suffers due to non-professional: Marionettes are appreciated by them. Some people here are realy no fit for cbs which claim to be a global player and left to freak out.


the more the team lead likes you the more you will be informed


when it comes to getting the job done, everyone contributes to the effort when needed.


flexible work hour


Here you have pros und cons:
* You can speak with anyone very direct and open.
* there are people who are HUNGRY to practice authority thus damaging the atmosphere and team
* orchestrated mobbing practices took place
* there are leads who have nothing to to do with leading - bring them a career trainer or send them to appropriate course to learn how to lead and interact with people (not to consider them followers or Subservient)

Interessante Aufgaben

It depends. Somtimes you may spend days waiting for new assignments. Some people who are well connected will be well loaded.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

there are some elder colleagues. as far as I can judge, they are well integrated and accepted.


good, new eqipment.


Diverse discounts, company car, social events, gifts from time to time


the company is very well aware of its image.


education time and courses are being widely offered. As still a mid size company, promoting your career here depends on the priorities of the team lead and project pipline





Update: Danke für den Hinweis. Wir werden den Vorschlag zum Empfehlen / Nicht empfehlen Button an Kununu weitergeben.
Das virtuelle Onboarding ist eine Herausforderung und wir arbeiten aktiv an einer stetigen Optimierung des Onboarding Prozesses!

Vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, cbs als Arbeitgeber zu bewerten. Wir freuen uns, dass du u.a. die Work-life-Balance, den Kollegenzusammenhalt und das Image als positiv bewertest und cbs als Arbeitgeber wahrnimmst, der offen für Verbesserungen ist.
Aus diesem Grund sind wir auch sehr dankbar über dein Feedback und die Verbesserungsvorschläge. Wir arbeiten bereits mit Nachdruck an der Auslastungsplanung und auch die Optimierung des bereichsübergreifenden Austauschs steht auf der Prioritätenliste. Erste Aktivitäten hierzu fanden bereits statt.
Schade, dass du cbs trotz deiner positiven Wahrnehmung nicht als Arbeitgeber empfehlen würdest.
Wir wünschen dir privat und beruflich alles Gute!
Dein cbs HR-Team
