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Tolles Konzept und gute Philisophie. Bewerbungsprozess und HR müssen dringend optimiert werden.

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 bei Coffee Circle als Customer Service Executive beworben.


Der Bewerbungsprozess zog sich fast einen Monat lang. Ettliche persönliche Interviews und Fragen per E-mail später kam, nach langer Pause, dann eine Absage mit einer so unfassbaren Begründung... soetwas habe ich tatsächlich noch nie erlebt. Hätte ich eine Zusage bekommen, hätte ich den Job selbst nicht mehr angenommen, da mir die ganze Prozedur und das Drumherum meine Meinung über die Firma tatsächlich leider etwas verdorben hat. Der ganze Prozess muss dringend überdacht werden. So vergrault man sich wirklich gute potentielle Mitarbeiter.

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Schnelle Antwort

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage



DeborahHR Team

Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback :)
We usually always clarify the steps of the selection process directly in the first chat. Sorry if that was not clear to you :(
For the Customer Service position this implies: 1. interview with HR, 2. Take-Home Test Task 3. interview with a member of the customer service team as well as with the responsible of the department. We never give feedback longer than one working week from one step to another one. If this takes longer is because of absence of some team members or because we would like to meet some more people to be sure about our decisions and we always try to be transparent about it.
The reason why our selection process is divided in different steps is not only for us to be super sure that the candidates are a good fit for Coffee Circle, but also for candidates to get to know us and the job better - which means to ensure a very good match for both sides at the end of the selection process. We never lost a candidate so far because of the duration of the process. We are sorry that you did not understand the rejection reason (if you want a further clarification please feel free to get in touch anytime) and we are sure that it is never pleasant not to get a job. We receive a lot of applications and we have a limited amount of job openings - unfortunately we need to make a decision and go for the person who fits best considering our internal criteria and the judgment of all people involved in the selection process, which we all fully trust. We wish you all the best for your future career, and as mentioned, please feel free to get in touch anytime for whatever question you might have. Have a great day. Your Coffee Circle Team.
