Let's make work better.

Cognigy GmbH Logo


High-growth company with massive potential both personally and financially

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.


The work atmosphere is driven by endless energy and outstanding skills. You get motivated just by listening in to demos given by management. You want to bring in your best everyday in work as everybody has reaching for the same goal.


Communication is transparent and fast. Internally most communication was 1:1 in the office, due to corona is shifted to calls and Teams.


Cognigy people regurarely meet outside of the office, drink coffee, eat out somewhere, play Tennis or Golf, go jogging or hiking.

It's a great bunch of people with diverse backgrounds and skillsets.

The best thing is the connection across departments, IT, Pre-Sales, Marketing, Product, Backoffice etc.


If you are looking for a 9 to 5 job, this might be not your job of choice.

The beauty of Cognigy.AI is: it is all about results.

If you are successful at what you do, nobody cares about how you do it.

You want to spend 2 hours in the forrest jogging in the afternoon? If you can manage your meetings that way, fine.

You want to work from the beach and have a meeting there? Do it as long as you can assure best results.


Management is always open for a call and transparent feedback.

You have to pro-actively ask for the feedback though, but as Cognigy is only 4.5 years old, this is fine. Processes and structures will be set up soon enough.

Interessante Aufgaben

It is just mindblowing which companies, brands and projects we are working on. Apply and hear about it yourself.


Cognigy employee base is highly diverse and mixed. Love it!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The mixture between Junior and Senior leads to more revenue. "Quantity meets al."


Young company with increasing benefits.


Cognigy itself is doing a lot for the CSR.

Good thing as well. You can indirectly help companies grow that also put weight on CSR like Greenpeace, Enpal, Flixbus etc.


You earn way above the average. Compared to IBM and other companies, you don't get the salary you would at Cognigy.


Great image, innovative, cutting-edge, globally leading software vendor (IDC, Gartner, Forrester etc.)


Company grew from 40 people to 100 in just a year. Trust me, there is room for making a hell of a career in the next 5 years.
