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Totally not recommended for considering higher positions.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dennemeyer & Associates gearbeitet.


Overall not a good environment to work in.


I would say, communication is good and can consider as bad.


This is where they are extremely bad. They judge things which got improved later on and got mature. Still, they used their traditional way of judging as "you lost the team during initial months...". Completely lie and a baseless conclusion



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Employer Branding TeamHR Marketing Manager

Dear former manager,

Thank you for your critical feedback. We are sorry to hear that you did not feel comfortable in your role with us. We always strive to recruit the best possible employees for our company and the respective position to be filled, and we are always happy to give both sides the opportunity to use the probationary period to get a good impression of each other. We have high expectations of our employees and especially of our managers. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is necessary to part ways during the probationary period because developmental steps have been taken but, unfortunately, they are not sufficient for the employee to be able to optimally fulfill the role he or she has taken on. We appreciate your commitment very much, but any other decision would simply not be fair to all other motivated and committed colleagues.
We wish you nothing but the best for your personal and professional future.

Yours sincerely
Lydia Nowak
Head of Employer Branding
