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Positive energy!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei DyeMansion GmbH in Planegg gearbeitet.


Lunch food.


In my opinion, if something excels in this company is the working environment, where the common thing is an open, friendly and positive attitude.


One of the sentences that define this company from my point of view is "people talk with each other not about each other". This together with the above mentioned openness are key drives to have a great communication.


Even in a position that could be defined as "between two teams", the employee can feel and feels fully part of both teams.


"Work-Life-Balance", work is part of life so... Anyway I will try to answer: to my eyes, there is a healthy proportion of days in the office and home office. This together with team-building events, other kind of events, or even employees gathering to make after work activities influence positively to achieve a balanced life.


Here I have to also rate with 5 stars. In my opinion, management behaves approachable, has a horizontal non-hierarchic communication, sometimes taking a role more of a "coach", and encouraging an proactive attitude of
the employees. There can be have sometimes different opinions about how to manage certain challenges or situations, still this deserves also 5/5.

Interessante Aufgaben

From my point of view, tasks fit nicely to the skill set of the employee.
There as bit of not full adjusted responsibility proportion (e.g. an employee could get more responsibility on a topic that can not equally influence).


Comes without saying in this company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Older colleagues are also integrated to the "juvenile energetic" behavior, also thanks to their own merit.


DyeMansion counts on his own sustainability council composed by employees, who care about this topic. Also to my perception, in DyeMansion there is a great management of the waste disposal (e.g. electronical waste, bulky waste...)


Well, it is a startup...


Even before starting to work for this company, for me was easy to realize about the strength of the marketing team of DyeMansion, which obviously impacts on the good image that the company has.


I think that an employee has enough opportunities to grow in this company. First of all due to this industry being a growing one; the development of the employee in certain roles may be linked to the development of the company itself.




Michaela Sontheim, Human Resources Manager
Michaela SontheimHuman Resources Manager

Dear DyeMansian,

Thank you for taking the time to rate DyeMansion as an employer. We are very happy about your positive feedback!

Many greetings
