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There is nothing call "work-life" balance at Flixbus

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung bei Flix in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Good marketing on LinkedIn.


- Review the workload vs the number of team members
- Learn how to be a role model
- When you train people to keep "talent", do it, not just stop at the training!
- Improve the bus services, so every traveler complains about it and it has been the same for the last decade. Bus drivers and people at the shop have very low appreciation from the company


Young and dynamic, however, many employees have burnt out, and the manager ignores it. The executive team knows about the workload but all they do is fire people and give the rest of the team more tasks to complete


In the interview round, HR said that they have transparent culture. Nevertheless, when manager fire employees, they told the employees to keep the secret and tell everyone that is the employees' decision. I have discussed this with over a dozen of ex-employees, and they all told the same story about the "transparent" culture.


There is A PLAN for work-life balance and employee development. Sadly, everything is just theories, and no one really does anything about it.
When employees complain about the workload and say that they are experiencing burnout, managers refuse it and switch to "you need to improve your time management"


No real leaders at Flix, all they think about is how to manage the tasks and complete their back-to-back meetings. No time to help the employees to inspire or grow.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No one has the time and energy


Contract tricks you with "flexible working hours", mainly it means "when you work overtime, it's your choice and we don't care how long do you work"


Flix offers training, but the quality is very low, and people don't make an effort and time to improve the curriculums


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