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Not recommended

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling bei Forto GmbH gearbeitet.


listen to your people when they tell you something. feedback works both ways and should ALWAYS be acted upon with visible actions, not wishy washy talk.


Whilst the first year was brilliant, after a change of leadership things went downhill quickly. There is no interest in teams, not their wellbeing, there is only work and work and work. Too much? Too bad.


Senior management has no idea what their peers are doing. Communication is lacking and selective


best team I ever worked with. backing each other up and picking up what another is not able to do in the often 9-10 hour work days


Was great until leadership changed


When your manager calls their team subordinates, nothing more to say

Interessante Aufgaben

You have the chance to learn a lot, may it only be because things you never have done are dumped on you and it's left to you to figure out how to solve it


neutral - no examples for either side

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

neutral-no examples for either side


Talks the talk, doesn't walk the walk


Salary is good - until you find out what collogues in the same class are making-or not making


2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreichZustimmenZustimmen?MeldenTeilen


People & Culture Team

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We appreciate your honesty and take your concerns seriously.

We are happy to hear about the strong team spirit within your team. Collaboration and support are essential to us, and we're committed to fostering a positive work environment.

It’s sad to hear that you did not feel heard during your time with us. We do care about feedback and try to provide different channels for this. The well-being of our employees matters to us and we do our best to provide employees with as much guidance as possible through challenging times of change. Your comment provides valuable insights and we will enhance our focus again.

Furthermore, we also acknowledge your feedback regarding our compensation offering. At Forto, we have a systematic approach and define compensation levels with the help of external compensation market data. Compensation at Forto is regularly reviewed to ensure internal fairness and alignment with industry standards. Your concerns are important to us, and we are committed to maintaining transparency and equity in our compensation practices.

Please feel free to reach out to our People & Culture team at careers@forto.com for any further feedback or assistance.

Thank you once again for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

Best regards,
Your People & Culture Team
