Let's make work better.

ioki GmbH Logo



A good employer at a certain stage of life, where you don't get bored and you can find out what your limit is.

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei ioki GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is a lot of emphasis on team building
The working conditions are very good
The tasks and topics are very cool
Home office/hybrid works very well

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The workload and high expectations of the quality of the output constantly pushes you to your personal limits.
Mandatory team day(s) that everyone has to attend


Document working hours
Proper job ticket for whole public transport
Get rid of annoying processes
Fair payment growth
Project-related attendance instead of useless mandatory team days
Less shiny-like LinkedIn posts


The work atmosphere tends to be good. However, much suffers from growing pains. A lot of employees from the early days have left in the meantime, and the staff has been replaced almost completely. For many, ioki is just a stepping stone to bigger career goals.


General company communication is absolutely fine. Information about successes or the status of goal achievement is provided very quickly. Bad news is kept quiet, or you can hear it in the kitchen.


The team spirit is great. The majority of employees are the same age, which contributes to this. There is practically no departmental thinking


In stressful times (always), you are expected to function and deliver. The workload is very high and there are few rest breaks. Overtime is de facto not recognized, but additional work is certainly appreciated.
Some teams and employees are extremely overworked


Team leads are mostly very understanding and act in the best interest of the employee or team.
The objectives and expectations of the management are mostly unrealistic, employees are hardly included in "big" decisions.
It seems like a few "internal consultants" have immense influence on management and their decisions.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks are usually very interesting and varied. You also have the opportunity to try out new things and technologies.


Equality is written relatively big and accepted internally.
Only if you think differently and make this public are you bashed around. Unpopular opinions, which may be correct, are not welcome.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The few older colleagues there are seem young at heart themselves. Therefore, no problems at all.
However, it would do the internal structure a lot of good to have a few more experienced colleagues on board. But they might have unpopular opinions, ... see above.


The working conditions are top.
The latest technical equipment, very well-equipped, clean office and toilets, free coffee, fruits and soft drinks!


As a company that wants drive forward the change in the mobility behavior , the environmental and social awareness is not very good.
A candy bar where all the sweets are packed in small plastic packages?
No real job ticket? (Only for DB products)
Yes, you are bound to certain things of DB, but there is no real initiative to make things better


The salary is slightly below market.
In order to improve your salary, you have to negotiate almost aggressively in the development talks, which is not welcomed. And not everyone's business!
As a new employee, it is easier to achieve higher salaries.
There are practically no bonus payments, profit sharing or inflation compensation.


It's cool to see "your" product on the streets, it strengthens the image and you can identify very well with ioki.
To the outside world (LinkedIn...), they like to present themselves as a hip alternative, especially within the DB Group, but behind the facade there are very lengthy processes. At its core, it's a company like any other.
Some values are printed on colorful posters and thousands of postcards (see environmental awareness), but they are hardly lived.


You have a certain training budget and days available per year. However, this is not really enough to stay state of the art. Time to learn things or to further develop yourself technically is almost impossible during daily business. Larger personal development have to be negotiated and tackled separately, but is possible.
The so called growth talks are over engineered and seem like a facade. Soon everyone will be a "senior" on LinkedIn



Jana Lenort, Head of People
Jana LenortHead of People

Dear ex - colleague,

thanks for your review!

It is very important to us that our employees have a good work-life balance, so that they have enough time to relax and can tackle their tasks with enthusiasm and spirit. of course, employees sometimes work overtime. However, they are encouraged to reduce this overtime themselves. Since we have a trust-based working time, employees are responsible for writing down their own times and planning their work accordingly so that the regular working time is not exceeded. Our agile leads are also encouraged to talk to their employees about whether they have a lot of work at the moment or how the capacity load is currently affecting them.

We wish you all the best.


Jana Lenort
Head of people
