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Du bist interessiert an der Stelle als Safety Manager (m/w/d) bei NAXCON GmbH?
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Bitte beachte, dass die Stelle nur für Bewerber aus Deutschland verfügbar ist.
Die Sprachanforderungen für diese Stelle sind: Deutsch - Fließend
Die geschätzte Gehaltsspanne von XING entspricht nicht unbedingt der Gehaltsspanne dieses Jobangebotes.

NAXCON GmbH, located in the heart of Freiburg, is at the forefront of the German IT and engineering industry.

Our experts have extensive knowledge in software and hardware development, state-of-the-art electronics, and future-oriented technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

We are not only dedicated to project work for our customers, but also intensively pursue in-house innovation projects as well as research & development. Renowned companies from a wide range of German industries place their trust in us - demonstrating the outstanding expertise and commitment of our engineers.


Position: Safety Manager

Location: Bremen, Germany

Field: Defence

Type: Full-time/on-site


  • Contact person for project and product teams for system/product safety and the resulting requirements and processes.
  • System analysis to identify hazards and risks as well as suitable countermeasures
  • Evaluation of safety concepts and architectures as part of the overall system requirements
  • Derivation of safety requirements for the various specialist disciplines (hardware, software and mechanics) from customer requirements and our own analyses
  • Creation of release-relevant documents
  • Monitoring and evaluating compliance with processes required to achieve the safety objectives are required
  • Collaboration in planning the verification and validation of products 
  • Evaluation of verification and validation results with regard to the achievement of safety objectives
  • Preparation of safety documentation to accompany development
  • Carrying out impact analyses for product changes/improvements
  • Responsibility for the safety-relevant internal and external interfaces (e.g. customers, suppliers and other development partners, but also auditors)
  • Further development of in-house methods and processes for implementing the relevant safety standards within development projects
  • Participation in higher-level committees (e.g. CoC Safety, BAAINBw working groups)


Professional qualification

  • Completed technical studies (diploma, master's degree) (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or computer science)
  • Initial experience in the application of the Product Safety Act
  • Knowledge of SysML/UML and modern SW development and test methods
  • Confident handling of various analysis toolsKnowledge and experience in the areas of quality and configuration management
  • Business fluent in English (written and spoken)

Personal qualifications

  • Ability to derive concrete requirements for projects from norms and standards
  • Experience in moderating interdisciplinary teams
  • Quick comprehension as well as persuasiveness and assertiveness
  • Ability to manage conflicts
  • Willingness to travel worldwide


  • Short Video Interview 💻
  • Technical Video-Interview 💻
  • Client Meeting 🏢

Über das Unternehmen

NAXCON, based in the heart of Freiburg, is a leading service provider in the German IT and engineering sector. With continuous development and locations throughout Germany as well as in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Turkey, we endeavour to ensure maximum success for our customers.

Our extensive expertise in software and hardware development, state-of-the-art electronics and cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality enables us to offer customised solutions tailored specifically to your needs and success.

We are not only involved in project work for our customers, but also intensively pursue our own innovation projects and research & development. Well-known companies from a wide range of German industries place their trust in us - proof of the outstanding expertise and commitment of our engineers.

Why should you choose us?

With us, you can expect not only a challenging and exciting working environment, but also the opportunity to work on pioneering projects that are shaping the digital future. We value diversity and encourage your personal growth.

Become part of our team and shape the digital future together with us!


NAXCON, mit Sitz im Herzen von Freiburg, ist ein führender Dienstleister in der deutschen IT- und Ingenieurbranche. Mit einer kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung und Standorten in ganz Deutschland sowie in der Schweiz, den Niederlanden und der Türkei sind wir bestrebt, unseren Kunden den maximalen Erfolg zu sichern.

Unser umfassendes Fachwissen in den Bereichen Software- und Hardwareentwicklung, modernster Elektronik sowie zukunftsweisender Technologien wie künstlicher Intelligenz und Virtual Reality ermöglicht es uns, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten, die speziell auf deine Bedürfnisse und deinen Erfolg zugeschnitten sind.

Wir engagieren uns nicht nur in der Projektarbeit für unsere Kunden, sondern verfolgen auch intensiv eigene Innovationsprojekte sowie Forschung & Entwicklung. Namhafte Unternehmen aus den unterschiedlichsten deutschen Branchen vertrauen uns - ein Beleg für die herausragende Kompetenz und das Engagement unserer Ingenieure.

Warum solltest du dich für uns entscheiden?

Bei uns erwartet dich nicht nur eine herausfordernde und spannende Arbeitsumgebung, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, an wegweisenden Projekten mitzuwirken, die die digitale Zukunft gestalten. Wir legen Wert auf Vielfalt und fördern dein persönliches Wachstum.

Werde Teil unseres Teams und gestalte mit uns gemeinsam die digitale Zukunft!