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So much passion and potential, fun colleagues and global responsibilities for amazing products engineered in Berlin.

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Lovehoney Group gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

We work for products that bring people pure fun and joy. It’s relatable, empowering and entertaining and I just love it. Also I love how international everything is. People are fun working with.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It’s a little chaotic sometimes. Everything changes all the time.


I just love going to work, and even under Corona via Teams I always felt connected.


There’s a Monday morning update for all with full transparency, multiple newsletters on everything, open Teams channels and you can ask any question in monthly all hands meetings. Also there seems to be a process for pretty much everything.


I love my team members and made
Friends with some in a really short time. Generally no fights or aggressive culture


It’s a lot of work and working hours can be challenging. But I had crazier jobs in the past so for me it’s okay.


It’s always fair and straightforward. Sometimes I could use a bit more strategic guidance. But I think the company grows so fast that managers also don’t know what comes next.

Interessante Aufgaben

Really exciting projects and products. Most of the things have global impact across thousands of touchpoints and I’m in calls with close international colleagues every single day.


The company promotes lots of women to improve diversity and everyone is heard equally. Top management is pretty male though. Management reports on those facts in all-hands calls.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There’s very few elderly colleagues I would know of but the few I know are respected and regular part of the company. Overall seems to be a very young company though.


I love the office, it’s cozy and very casual. For working from home we even got extra screens, office chairs and some even desks delivered to their apartment. I don’t know any other company who did that.


Trash gets separated in kitchens and there’s a sustainability guideline or so. There’s also an Eco product in the range. Still electronics that I think are all made in China so there will be some footprint I guess.


Income is nothing special. It’s okay but it’s probably more the atmosphere and the challenge/possibilities I joined for. There’s a small bonus on top for the year which gets paid very late in summer. No other extras I would know about.


It’s weird to give five stars for a sex toy company … probably I will have to explain that later in my career. Today I’m still the center of attention whenever somebody hears about my employer. People seem to love stories about a sextoy company.


There are many people who seem to move up the ladder here quickly. There’s no clear career/development
plan though and I don’t know how I’m supposed to develop my skills apart from good advice.
