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Sole Company value: contribution and margin! Employees are only a cost factor… no project and you are out in 2-4 weeks

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Luxoft GmbH in Böblingen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich


Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Way to much overhead!
Sole focus on money, costs, margin, contibution…
People don‘t count at all.


Stop senseless discussions!
A simple, easy to understand organization!
Walk the talk! If the people are really important, than treat them accordingly!


Currently no fun at all! A lot of time is wasted with senseless discussions.
The organization suposedly is a multi-dimensional matrix. But it has so many dimensions that hardly anybody understands it. Horizontal vs. vertical chapters, domain vs. technical chapters, guilds, accounts, sales, solutions, engineering… all without budget since only the project has money!


Management communication is super poor! The CEO has nothing to decide and is hardly present. The mother company DXC is blamed for everything.


Within a team there is normally great support, but between the teams ist ends quickly, since everything needs to be booked to a project and thus, nobody wants the costs…


Home Office possible, but work load is way to high for the time given.


The top level is acting poorly. Middle management is better. Direct management is either trying to fix it or has resignated and pushes things through from the top.

Interessante Aufgaben

Projects can be very interessting, but the environment isn‘t healthy.


Gender doesn‘t matter.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Good mix between juniors and seniors. But experienced people are giving up and leaving the company.


The whole situation isn‘t supportive! There is no sense of belonging.


Nothing special. Some social awareness presentations.


No merit increase for more then 1,5 years! Employees are told that the market wouldn‘t support it and competitors would act similar… No inflation bonus given either.


People are frustrated and are looking for new jobs.


Internal trainings available in english. Nothing special.

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