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Great WLB, bad management

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Media Markt Saturn in Ingolstadt gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* great work life balance
* depending on the team you arrive at, cohesion is high
* Most Principals are working hard to make orga better with global initiatives
* There's lots of room to learn, tech wise
* A striking helpful community of devs
* English is the main spoken language, though when most of the team speaks German, then everything switches to mostly (if not all) to german. This is for me a positive point :)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* as in all German big concern company, it is highly driven by revenue. Which means, you are forced to prioritize quantity over quality. Most old school devs end up drowning on politics, and delivering "quick and dirty" buggy solutions that have already blown into everyone's faces. However, the new wave of devs come with fresh ideas and enthusiasm.
* even though devs are hired under "MediaMarktSaturn Technology", do not get tricked by the name. C-level doesn't make decisions over technology nor they are interested to deliver high quality software. Their interest relies on simply pleasing shareholders. therefore they won't help you to drive up cool tech ideas, nor help with increasing budget for modernizing obvious components that need to be updated.
* in some orgas, hiring process sometimes lacks of transparency due to speeding up hiring processes due to extreme needs to have new developers. Teams being build without proper cultural fit evaluation ends up in madness and storming inside teams. Make sure you meet your team mates before accepting an offer here.


eine kleine Bemerkung an das C-Level. Wenn der Name Ihres Unternehmens auf „Technologie“ endet, bitte machen Sie ihm alle Ehre. Versuchen Sie nicht, mit billigen Lösungen zum Sündenbock zu machen. Lassen Sie Ihren Ingenieuren ihre Arbeit machen. Geben Sie ihnen die Werkzeuge/Personen, die sie brauchen. Beseitigen Sie Inkompetenz und Bürokratie. Hören Sie mit der unverständlichen Nutzung von Outsourcing-Ressourcen auf, aus welchen dummen Gründen auch immer, denn das wird nur Ihr Geld verschwenden.


good job atmosphere depends on the team you arrive at. Hiring process sometimes lacks of transparency. Teams being build without proper cultural fit evaluation ends up in madness and storming inside teams. Make sure you meet your team mates before accepting an offer here.


it could be better. Even though the company wants to unite all countries under a common tacky/cheesy corporate culture, for obvious reasons MMS culture depends on the country and for this reason, it is super diverse (which is positive), but changes might take forever for the same reason. For instance, engineers from different parts of Europe (e.g. Ingolstadt vs Barcelona) do not speak nor do not align their ideas. Which means, speaking from an engineering point of view, lots of redundancy can be found in the sourcecode. There's some cool initiatives been driven by a bunch of super proactive dev folks, but without true support from C-level, this leads to nowhere.


depending on the team you arrive at, cohesion is high. However, as in all German big concern companies, there's a portion of the sourcecode being outsourced, which means, there's lots of legacy code that no one has any idea how it works, or it is outdated and buggy. Make sure you don't end up in this orgas.


great work life balance, nothing else to say


management is as cranky and incompetent as you can expect to be. Power strikes between higher ups leave a leadership hole in some orgas. Direct consequences are: projects not meeting deadlines, spending more money on hiring consultants, software devs doing the work that POs and business people should do.
On the engineering team level, Senior to Principal promotion or Principal hiring involves lots of vitamin B, and lacks of transparency. However, I am very glad to have met a handful of super competent Principals, which are the cream of the top, running innovation with the best of their abilities, however beware of the principals that actually will have zero tech connaissance, and they got the job only because of their ability to assist to meetings.

Interessante Aufgaben

There's lots of room to learn, tech wise


Women get equal rights. Just like male colleagues, if they work as hard, they will get recognition.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

It is quite good, they are treated as equals. However, as any big German company, there are old school folks (meaning, not old per age but "traditionally old school") who just heat up their seats and do not wanna walk the extra mile. Lately, a wave of new devs have arrived to the company, and thankfully, it is changing things a bit.


remote work is available.


They tried to improve their image by launching the "Let's go" campaing, though the mms.tech website is lacking of so much, and showing nothing that it's truly the spirit of the devs inside MMS. It was actually developed without consulting the devs, which is troubling.


They recently launch Udemy portfolio as part of the available training. I find this very motivating, but this is just my opinion.

