Let's make work better.

MTU Aero Engines AG Logo


You are just a number in a very slow and stuck-up old-fashioned organization which refuses to adapt to the modern world

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei MTU Aero Engines AG in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

No stress
Easy work hours
Great colleagues
Great direct bosses

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Monarchy-like hierarchy
No trust in employees, micro-management
No career possibilities
No yearly goal-setting / performance management
No online-trainings
Unnecessary internal political conflits
Communication is sparse and limited
No equal-rights towards foreigners and men (over women)
Outdated buildings
Hired under the price of the market


Change the company culture
Change the management system: no monarchy-like hierarchy
Create online trainings platform
Improve employee trust, no micro-management
Offer career possibilities and improve personnel development
Use yearly goal-setting / performance management system
Improve communication
Prefer equal-rights
Pay the employees fairly


Unnecessary internal political conflits. Tense climate.
But great colleagues.


Communication is sparse and limited to a very small number of people which is then diluted and cleansed to the smaller departments. Secrets are made, information is carefully selected. Clans are built up. Hierarchy behaves like monarchy at MTU.


Colleagues are amazing and always there for you.


Stress isn't really a part of your life at MTU, except if you can't organize yourself. You can easily do your 9-5 job and go home to take care of your kids.


Direct bosses are great and care about their employees. But go one level up and it is almost impossible to hope having a conversation with the boss of your boss. His/Her highness stays hidden in his/her fortress and avoids contacts to the lower levels. Monarchy is well-established.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on luck. Can be very repetitive to boredom.


Foreigners will be treated differently when it comes to career possibilities.
Women are preferred over men.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Old colleagues are wise, open and accessible


Old and outdated buildings, and very loud open spaces. Equipment is out of date and budget-limited. You are very controlled and not trusted


Room for improvement


The salary is linked to the IG Metall grid, which can have its perks, but it is always negotiated downwards while being interviewed. You are hired under the price of the market and underpaid. It is then almost impossible to climb up the hierarchy and/or the salary grid.


Old-fashioned, slow and stuck-up. Monarchy-like hierarchy.


No career possibilities are offered. Or if then, only to a very limited 1%.
Worse than that, get ready: no performance management or goal setting is offered at MTU. How crazy is that?
No online training platform is offered. It feels like MTU is stuck in ancient industrial times and refuses to adapt to the modern world.
