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It‘s okay but would not recommend it to friends

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I guess it‘s what everyone answers in our „happiness-surveys“ as well: the people!
The people in the teams are really cool. And it‘s sad to see that under an empowering leadership they could all work out an amazing product and grow so much better!


Know your people! Try to understand what they are working on. And if you don‘t have the time to talk to them, let them do their job and trust them.
Stop micro manage. :-)
If you hire experts, give them power. If you know it better, do your job alone.


Me personally I am afraid of the leadership and to ask for help


There is the team leadership and the team workers. The leadership is rarely transparent about failure. It‘s more fake which gives the employees the feeling that‘s the right way…


Toxic work environment creates the clostest friendships, right? You need to stick together to keep a positive mind.


One thing I love about the job is that you feel responsible for your job and you get this responsibility in the same way. We have flexible worktimes and nobody is controlling you.


I guess the positive ratings that says something different are the lucky ones that comes from the REWE Group or have another close connection to leadership. So these people are kind of part of the „leadership-circle“

Interessante Aufgaben

For me personally I like my job and the projects I work on.


A female colleague from mine were told „to act more in the background“… that describes it quite good.


It‘s a benefit that you can choose your device! On the other hand we hope that our new office space will be a lovely and cozy place.


There is a sustainability project from a colleague from the design team which has amazing goals. But it doesn‘t seem like part of the strategy… But after two years Paymenttools doesn‘t have a brand identity or corporate values anyway. So it‘s hard to identify with the company.


We are not on a level with our competitors.


When I started they told me about regular feedback meetings where you talk about how you want to improve, what your goals are and stuff. I really do improve but nobody notice it and nobody has time to talk about it.
But you get money for external trainings.

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