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Leadership team is truly caring - I am working here for almost 4 years now and I want to share my experiences

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung gearbeitet.


I am working fully remote and I love it - still there is an awesome office


Unpleasant topics are always handled open and respectfully - I think the high standard of transparency here is really rare in companys and I personally think this is sometimes underappreciated

It’s easy to celebrate together - thankfully both areas are covered professionally


We discuss, celebrate, laugh, perform and help each other out - in tough situations everyone is willing to (short time) sacrifice to find solutions that benefit the team


I was able to reduce my working time - in the beginning there were times where it was really a lot - a young-start up-problem as you might know - gladly I found the perfect solution for my efficiency in my position and also living my passion outside of work


Im really happy with my team lead - we trust each other and I can always share when I’m insecure about something or have a topic that leads to a reduced ability to perform and then we find a sustainable solution together

Interessante Aufgaben

I love my job and I don’t want to change anything about it - but to be 100% honest here it is a 4 out of 5


Small room for improvement - we would benefit from having more diversity (BIPoC) and also more women - but the reasons why this is not already the case is also really understandable - we receive way more applications from white young men - but recruiting is trying they’re best already

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Inclusive!!! Age is not too important when you have a low hierarchy in general


Completely satisfied


Happy that more and more people know and appreciate PowerUs




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