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A startlingly inept company from a high-level leadership perspective

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich IT bei PPRO Financial Ltd. in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I think it's great that PPRO has opened the eyes of the people who can see through total BS. These people are now actively looking for other jobs and will do better in their lives away from the firings and fake personalities.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Pretty much everything. Avoid like the plague.


The work atmosphere was like stepping on hot coals. Since the new "leadership" came along, diversity is top of the list and be damned if you're not a woman, a homosexual or gender fluid. It's worse if you're a white man - seemingly guilty by association. Internal communications are monitored and someone's always offended at something. Humour is essentially banned. Communications are sent via company wide methods about how men should "reflect on their own power and privilege" - to give one example.


Atrocious. People are literally laid off overnight - no explanations. You get a phone call in the morning after working out you can't login to your PC letting you know you've been fired due to re-structuring. We lost over 100 colleagues via this method (that was were told of). Not a single reason why other than "restructuring". Budget cuts were communicated ALOT. The CFO at one point recommended we tell someone if we see someone using a lot of printer paper. Secrets also run rampant. There's always gossip and it's rarely positive.


Personally, I had a wonderful team and a wonderful boss. Most people aren't so lucky.


Got to work from home and avoid upper management most of the time. That was a giant plus.


As mentioned, no personal team / manager issue. Everyone above middle management however were super untrustworthy, fake and pretty intolerable.

Interessante Aufgaben

Repetitive work, but that came with the territory I was employed for. Being a finance company, it's not a world of rainbows and lollipops with very interesting things to do or look at every day.


Equal rights... Hmm. Let me give you an example of some pointers we were given by a high level manager in a global communication:

1. Send an email each week congratulating a female colleague on a win
2. Hire a coach to work with you specifically on developing your effectiveness as a male ally
3. Spend some time reflecting on your male power and privilege

What a joke company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Unfortunately, most of the older ones run the company and I'd honestly rather watch paint dry or grass grow


We were made to come into the office two times a week in order to increase productivity. Most of the time no-one was there. As mentioned above, walking on hot coals is how I'd consider this environment.


Was fair.



