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Very bad management, very toxic people

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The people (especially management)


Hire professional team leads, management should do proper coaching sessions (not only in the Berlin female founder bubble and for "great" PR stunts)


There are certain people who stick together and made it to the management team. In my opinion (and other employees I talked to) this has nothing to do with skills but with connections. The management sticks together with no transparency at all. Not even when it comes to work related topics but also when it comes to the personal topics. They never openly talk but slack each other, then they would stand up and go to lunch together. The kitchen door would always be closed when they are eating and one feels very uncomfortable walking in because they immediately stop talking. There is even a couple within this level which I had to find out month after I worked here. Too bad that they carried out a work (?) conflict on my back without me knowing they are a couple.


There is no communication. No one knows what others are doing. There are weekly all-hands but it's not informative at all. Ok, sometimes when they announce that people got fired. No constructive one-on-ones, no person of trust from HR side, no honest team buildings. When you work well you would not know because there is no proper positive feedback. When you did anything wrong you will also not know, except you get fired because you don't have connection to the management. When you don’t attend company events during the weekend (one in particular) because you have kids at home, other plans etc. they would not directly tell you it’s bad for your reputation and your career…but they tell you between the lines.


A lot of people left (on purpose or because they got fired), no one want to keep deeper contact because you can't trust anyone. They have a drink after work thing every week but everyone just tries to leave the office as fast as possible.


To much pressure, you never know if you are done with your work as there is no constructive feedback.


It's the worst I ever experienced. People are in this position without proper skills, they just want to be left alone so if anything goes wrong they can blame the "working bees". Also someone of the highest level does not seem to focus on the company anymore but on her reputation within the start-up scene. Which is funny how Someone with such bad leader skills can present a complete different “outside person“.

Interessante Aufgaben

There is potential but as there is no structure or strategy that is followed there is a lot of admin tasks and meetings without value coming up. Then there is a lot of fuss about new opportunities and in the end it always more or less withers away.


No afford to talk about diversity. Some employees started some initiatives but there was no response from the management or people who are not likely to be discriminated.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are a few older colleges, who stick to the jobs as they still have the vision of having the chance of working in a creative way.


In general the office is nice but soulless and because of the people you want to leave as soon as possible. I don't want to start talking about the working conditions for the artists but I personally don't understand why they still tolerate those conditions.


For the workload and expectations it definitely does not hit the average


ArtNight is not really known and if so it is better than it should be. But the person behind it builds up a personal image to the „scene“ with is far far away from reality and competence.


Even though you have a promised budget for workshops etc. you always need to find the cheapest option. No surprise that you can't expect much from these workshops.

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