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Bad place to work

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei RKW Architektur + in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

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Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

If you want to talk about your salary, nobody of the managment is available.
The fluctuation is too high, but the reasons for that will not be eliminated.


Fill vacancies that are open for a long time and don´t embarrass yourself by asking all former employees to come back.
You will not be informed how the department will continue after someone got fired.
The management board has to work on their leadership style.


Everyone is nice and kind as long as you are with them. But behind your back they are gossiping about you.
So be careful to open up to someone, they will use is against you.


Bad communication, good work will not be apreciated, you rarely get feedback.
Do you have suggestions of improvement? Keep them to yourself because you will become the enemy image.


Everyone for themselves. Just a few people you come along with.


Overtime is welcome but you have to work almost 2 days for the first minutes on your overtime account.


According to the quality managment there should be a yearly employee interview but there isn´t. If you get a salary increase you are lucky because you already cost too much. To get one you really have to fight for it.

Interessante Aufgaben

You regulary have to do tasks that do not fit to your job description. Even if you address it like that.


There are only open place offices and it is very loud.
In Corona times some departments still have to come to work and mustn´t stay at home. It is very random who can work in home office.


No christmas money, no vacation money, no capital-forming benefits, just big royalties for the management board.
All employees got a little bonus because of corona, but it was hardly worth talking about and everyone hoped for more.
Rumors say, one of the mangagment board didn´t want to spend to much money.


Nice outside, but ugly inside.
Employees should write good reviews to push the rating. (proven)


