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Hire&Fire mentality, no transparency, hierarchies are not flat; management intervenes , high fluctuation

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Good employees leave the company quickly
- The fluctuation is generally very high
- Lack of appreciation
- Important things are communicated too late or not at all
- Control and distrust are the order of the day
- Most managers are nice, but only as long as everything runs smoothly


The location of the office is quite good. Free drinks and kitchen
Loud and dirty office. Some teams cooperate and others less.


For the most part, the teams communicate quite well with one another.
Much is decided from above. As soon as it gets stressful, communication with management is anything but pleasant


Quite okay within the team, but there is often no trust in the management.
However, there are also various colleagues who almost refuse to work together. If there are any questions, then very often reference is made to the documentation.


As with many start-ups, it is indirectly expected that you are very flexible and work overtime.
Working from home is for most colleagues not allowed , except in exceptional cases.


Employees leave the company overnight. The communication through the management takes place very late. Many employees just don't know what's going on, which
leads to such great distrust. When people are fired, often the poor performance is given as a reason.
Questionable and spontaneous decisions of the Managing directors are less questioned. Direct supervisors seem to have little room for maneuver. The upper management makes the decisions and sets the pace. It seems that department heads are often involved late or not at all in the decisions.
In the case of larger problems or issues, employees are asked to have a rather unpleasant conversation with upper management.

Interessante Aufgaben

That depends entirely on the respective team and the position in the team


The General Management has its favorite employees. Many other employees get lost in the crowd and are ignored or not being involved by the management

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Okay, but there aren't that many


Noisy office, Dirty desks that aren't cleaned properly by the staff,


In my opinion nonexistent. Garbage is not separated.


There are a few measures, but the priority here is probably based on sympathy.


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