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Sinking ship with no direction. I do not recommend it.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei DRACOON GmbH in Regensburg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are quite a few outstanding employees who are also great individuals and who are a pleasure to be around.

The salary is appropriate for a company of this size.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Top management is disastrous in my opinion. I think they hardly make any decisions, they do not set a clear (product) strategy and primarily do what is beneficial to them.

Extremely sales-driven – in my opinion this is not a tech company.

I feel that motivation is stifled by a lack of trust, freedom, appreciation and too many processes. In my view, this is definitely not a workplace for ambitious people!


In general, hold each other and the management accountable for what has been promised. Make decisions, take ownership, and – most importantly – follow through.

Management should show sincere appreciation, not through hollow praise at all-hands meetings but through action.

Finally start thinking long-term.


Dracoon was acquired by Kiteworks (US company) in December 2023 and then there were layoffs at Dracoon in February 2024.

Now, employees start leaving voluntarily and to me, the morale of the team is low.


I think it might be a good start for the top management to be transparent about where the company is heading after the takeover by Kiteworks. And if you really don't know, I would prefer a simple and authentic “I don't know” over some empty talk about sales targets – I might as well go to the fortune teller – and why the future will be bright.


Usually there's a great team spirit within the departments.

On the other hand, I feel that top management view employees only as a means to achieve their own goals.


Good work-life balance, working overtime is rare. Work location and work hours are flexible.


Varies a lot. There are very good managers with a modern understanding of leadership (listening, coaching, making decisions together at eye level, handing over responsibility) but I also see the complete opposite (managers who just pass on orders from above or who are just unfit for the job).

In my experience, top management acts very hierarchically due to a lack of modern leadership skills and is completely out of touch with most of its employees.

Interessante Aufgaben

I think there are a number of interesting tasks, but an enormous amount of time is wasted on unimportant topics that do not move the needle (pet projects or projects to increase one's own relevance). I don’t see a clear product strategy, so in my opinion product management makes fairly arbitrary decisions.

For me, there are too many processes, which is paralyzing and annoying. It would be better to set a clear direction, trust the employees to get the job done and hold them accountable.

Meetings, meetings: A lack of strategy and leadership makes me feel like I’m sitting in meetings for three hours every day because every small detail has to be agreed.


Good. In my opinion, gender plays no role when it comes to career opportunities and in everyday work. Returning to a previous position after parental leave is also not a problem.


The hardware is up-to-date and the drinks are free.

The office furniture is not quite up-to-date (for example, there are hardly any standing desks). I also think that the room layout is not optimal.


In my opinion, it's just marketing without substance.


In my opinion, the salary is fair and always arrives on time.


I think the company is completely unknown to most private individuals, which makes it difficult to attract good people.

To me, the main selling point (“Made in Germany, so your data is secure”) is gone after the US takeover and the future is more than uncertain. But hey, pulling off a successful takeover looks good on your resume!


I do not recommend Dracoon for ambitious technical people because I don’t see a clear technical vision or strategy; it’s mainly about hitting the sales targets.

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Thank you for your detailed feedback. We appreciate your honesty and effort, as it helps us improve.

We are glad you value your colleagues, team spirit, and working conditions. Our goal is to foster a supportive and cooperative environment.

However, we are concerned about your issues with management and the company’s direction. Your feedback is important, and we take it seriously. We understand the need for a clear strategy, transparent communication, and valuing our employees. The recent acquisition by Kiteworks has brought changes, and we are committed to managing this transition with clarity and transparency.

We are working with Kiteworks to implement a clear strategy, standardize processes, and re-establish a solid work environment. We ask for your patience and perseverance during this integration.

Thank you again for your constructive feedback. We are dedicated to addressing these issues and improving the workplace. If you have more thoughts or want to discuss your concerns, please reach out.

Your P&C Team
