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overall a great company but with several issues in the inside

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.


the colleagues are great and that's what stokke advertises and they are definitely right. I have worked with many people at eye level but the further the hierarchy goes the harder it gets to get clear and also honest feedback.


communication is very good in the same departments. anything that goes beyond the department is just tedious and difficult. departments don't work with each other but more against each other and little consideration is given. everyone works for themselves and departments don't coordinate with company goals.


at stokke, everyone works until they're blue in the face. overtime on weekdays and weekends is the norm here. for example, I've constantly received emails outside of core working hours. this builds pressure to keep up. in the end, of course, everyone is responsible for their own work-life balance, but when everyone participates, you feel compelled to do the same. even when projects have to be implemented, there are no realistic deadlines. At the higher level, it doesn't matter how it happens, but it has to happen.


many managers and supervisors in this company are a mystery to me. stokke advertises small hierarchy levels, regular employee reviews as well as development programs. hardly any of this is actually implemented well. regular reviews are hardly about the individual but only about everyday issues and how to resolve them. leaders don't know how to lead and annual reviews are done because that is the prerequisite to complete them.

Interessante Aufgaben

my work has always been a lot of fun and I had full freedom to implement my ideas and I was trusted in what I was doing. I really appreciated this!


as some have already mentioned, equality is the last thing stokke values. even if the reactions to reviews in kununu always claim the opposite. I have also experienced how best friends are promoted, new positions are passed on under the table to people who have no experience in their career. HR promotions are the order of each year and everything that is in their inner circle. but the problem here is at the root of the LT team, which doesn't care at all.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

no distinction is made on this subject.


stokke offers a good split of home office and office presence. This makes it easier to reconcile work and private life. Office equipment is rather outdated in the office with the desks and chairs with a very questionable desk sharing model that had to be implemented because the employees in the company have increased. here they probably wanted to save costs and somehow get the people into the office.


here is little made by stokke. advertised is much but from sustainability you see and hear hardly anything. Could be that I´m wrong here and the company lacks to share but then this would be a suggestion to do it more.


of course, everyone always wants more but stokke only pays average or less. bonus participation is promised but with targets that are hardly achievable. this is of course a good tactic. After that, record numbers are presented on large platforms, but unfortunately little of this goes down to the employees... at least not with all of them...


the external image is of course very good and stokke is a very, very great company, especially for newcomers, with great colleagues and a good place to gain experience. problems in the company will not improve or change in the long term, the employees only change until new ones come and new ones ...


very very difficult in this company, for some more and for some less. The reasons for this have already been explained in the comments above.

