Let's make work better.

TeamViewer Germany GmbH Logo


Company with 800 employees, start-up flair and a vibrant mix of international colleagues.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei TeamViewer GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The colleagues. The international atmosphere. The expertise of the people working around me. Room for own initiatives and growth.


It is noticeable that TeamViewer looks back on enormous growth, also rearding the workforce. The advantages are that in such a vibrant atmosphere, everybody is tuned in to cooperation. The disavantage is that the central departments like HR, IT, etc. did not grow proportionally and are understaffed. If the company would invest there to enable us to elaborate on the central processes that a larger company needs, we could increase efficiency tangibly.


I feel lucky to work in a group of brilliant and motivated individuals with high engineering standards who nevertheless know how to make work fun - especially in the Enterprise teams. The company fosters inter-team relationships by providing a good travel budget for visiting other locations (also abroad) for exchanging know-how and improving collaboration. Hack Days, Innovation Days, company-wide barbecues and parties add to the atmosphere and help building bridges across departments. Atmosphere and team fit is generally valued highly.


Communication within the team and amongst teams that are technically related is good, as well as the feedback loops with Product Management. Up to directors' level, communication is frank and open, feedback and initiatives by employees are being welcomed.
Above directors' level the company sometimes is still struggling with a top-down mindset; if we could improve this, it would unfold great leverage on overall innovation.


The best at TeamViewer are the colleagues, whether in the team or within the Communities of Practice where people of similar expertise work together.


So many intriguing tasks around that one is always tempted to tackle more interesting things ;-). But fortunately, no stupid rituals that eat at one's energy and time, so every team can structure their working processes efficiently. Flextime and trusted time (no time-bookings), one day homeoffice per week and many team events help to create a good work-life balance.


Up to directors' level great (see chapter "Kommunikation"). And above directors' level, there are some initiatives ongoing to improve two-way communication, ... it will be interesting to see whether they make a change.

Interessante Aufgaben

There are more interesting tasks around than one can tackle. Much input and learning opportunities through the variety of experts working together: Linux, Windows, Mac, UX, Security, you name it... And room for own initiatives.


Modern buildings and equipment, height-adjustable desks, two monitors, noise-cancelling headphones. Regularly free pizza. Many company-sponsored team events.
The only pain-point is the open space policy that the upper management adheres to, regardless of the many studies proving that open space offices lead to loss of productivity and less communication (employees sitting opposite each other writing each other slack messages in order not to disturb the others).


Company-sponsored railway discount card available (Bahncard), job ticket, etc.


Compensation matches the workforce of highly qualified individuals. Benefits are good considering that it is a medium-sized company of ~800 employees, but there is room for improvement there to compete with larger companies.


Who doesn't know TeamViewer?


While in companies with collective labour agreements ("Tarifverträge"), one is automatically transported up the ladder by having been around for long enough, at TeamViewer a career requires input and intitiative - and this is good so, because it makes the right people stay here. Internal and external seminars and continuous learning are fostered and funded by the company.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
