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Would not recommend, ever

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 bei Urban Sports Club gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* free USC L membership
* 4 months of workation in EU countries
* good work-life-balance

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* lack of communication, lies, lack of transparency
* nepotism
* big promises, no action
* leadership is very weak and lacks basic people-competencies
* lack of safety: often feeling that you could be laid-off in the next round
* constant changes in teams and reconstructions, introducing new tools and processes without properly testing the ones that were just established
* no ability to take honest and constructive criticism (they say they value it, but once you do it, you are being treated differently)


My best advice to you: focus and start really caring about your existing, loyal employees. There are a number of people that are +5 years with you, and they helped you build this company up. They are not getting appreciated enough, not to mention regular raises! In the current economy it is a basic decency. I know companies hate to hear their employees would like more money, but hey: unfortunately you need to pay us in the exchange for our time and skills ;).


VERY bad communication. Lack of transparency on important decisions. Lack of communication about vision. No clear goals. Fostering gossip and 'he said, she said' culture. Big promises over and over again, but no action. People are leaving suddenly and there is no communication / transparency as to why. Higher level management communicates to you through 3 other people (instead of directly). Many people lack basic written communication skills, making collaboration very draining. Passive-aggressive communication between colleagues, as if they would like to make you feel you are stupider.


Rather low… there are groups and teams that keep together and bash other groups behind their backs. There are some good people in the company, but it's rare. A lot of people are unfortunately dishonest, and I have been warned many times to think carefully about what I am telling to whom. Team spirit is also not really fostered, there are no global events (so that company can come together) and rarely anyone participates on local level.


This worked very well, at least in my department. If you are good, you are not being micromanaged, and you can basically execute on your own timeline. There is no problem with doing sports during working hours or running errands if needed. There are core working hours between 10-16 when you have to be available, the rest is up to you.


I would say very sneaky and non-transparent. C-Level management seemed very far and not approachable. Decisions are being made top-bottom in 90% of the cases. They collect feedback and want to make it seems like they involved us, but in the end they make decisions in their own circle. I haven't met a single inspiring, innovative leader there. So many of them lack actually empathy and communication skills, it's baffling to me. Your manager only has their own back, but never yours. They don't want you to grow and shine, they will often take credit of your work for themselves.

Interessante Aufgaben

Tasks focus on 'putting out the fires', because there are so many in this company. There is always something that is not working, a rule that needs to be changed, a condition that needs to be adjusted, so everyone is busy doing that. There is little room for innovation and actually moving the company forward, because everyone is fixing mistakes from the past. Apart from that, of course, almost everything is being done for investors. They dictate the rules and priorities. No proper goal setting frameworks, after many years they still don't understand how OKRs work.


I would say rather low. I know for a fact (surprise, employees talk to each other!) there is a big gender pay gap. It has been postponed for over 2 years to make it transparent and actually present the numbers. I wonder why.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We do not really have older colleagues, so I cannot say anything here.


The offices are okay, positioned very centrally, tech stack is also fine. You are allowed to take additional screens home, you can choose between MacBook and Dell.


Definitely below the market average. No salary reviews or raises for many years. Constantly no budget. They are happy to give you a new title and more responsibilities, but not more money. They actually prefer to do the whole hiring and onboarding process (which costs 3 salaries on average) instead of giving a decent raise. I met one Team Lead with around 10 people in the team who was earning 37k. This is not even junior salary anymore. Very embarrassing.


Well, image seems to be great, but only to the outside. There is so much effort put in the appearance, design of every single little thing, regularly revamping company values, but there is no actual culture. It's really ridiculous. They really just give us new hoodies every year instead of real career opportunities and development. “Mehr Schein als Sein…”


No learning budget. You are not being encouraged to learn or to take leaps. They rather hire someone external and completely new rather than giving a chance to existing employees who are eager to learn.



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