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The place is rotten with ex-McKinsey consultants. New and Old employees are frustrated and have no career opportunities.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Logistik / Materialwirtschaft bei Wayfair GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

With the employee discount (5-10%), you might be able to buy something nice.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I would strongly advice any friend or even new candidates to *NOT* apply to this company. Talented people is not valued here for their ideas, for their personality or for their hard work. The top management they hired (Ex-Consultants) are only profit oriented and you won't make much progress as a professional here. Unfortunately, this won't change in the near future as even the US-Management board is ok with having this bad management style. If you are looking for a company with good culture, team empathy and career opportunities, I would look for other companies in the sector or in Berlin. It's definitely not even worth the shot to work for Wayfair.


The culture of the company has been completely destroyed by the management style of the ex-McKinsey consultants. They really need to work on the people and value their contributions.


Good colleagues but you hate to come to work eventually because of the attitude of most of the top management. I have seen colleagues locked in the bathrooms crying because of the attitude of their managers.


Management won't communicate any important or relevant information with you, even if it affects your most personal projects or team members. It's almost the attitude of: You are small, you don't count. This gives you very few information on how to proceed with your projects and sometimes you will work in vain.


Depending on which department you go, you can make good friends. Some other departments have fierce competition and you risk being backstabbed by your colleagues.


People steal other colleagues ideas, people work from 7am to 9pm, management don't care about your opinion, even when you are sick they will put pressure on you. Many talented people on various departments have left because of burn-out, terrible managers or serious personal discussions with the ex-consultants sitting on the top management.


No communication, your opinion never counts for them. If you are not one of them, they literally will bully you or treat you as less valuable. This caused a lot of backstabbing between colleagues across several departments, just to justify the top-managers that you are worth. Since most of the top managers are ex-consultants, they can lead a project is a good way but they are awful with people skills and you can see in the face of your colleagues that the motivation to work is literally to get a pay check, no more.

Interessante Aufgaben

Though the automation has increased over the time, there are still lots of manual work to do. Sometimes interns are doing more interesting projects than Specilialists/Managers and people don't get rewarded by their good ideas.


If you are not an ex-consultant and acquaintance of the current top management, you won't progress here. Old good managers, including lots of female managers have left the company because there is no space for equality or discussion. It's either their ideas or nothing else.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The way of working from the ex-consultants in the management across most departments has literally killed the start-up atmosphere that existed in Wayfair 2-3 years ago. There is no space for creativity, testing new ideas or experimenting because the management won't treat you as equal and they don't care about your ideas or initiative.


I have had sick team members on my team and at the hospital but still the management expects them to work. Most colleagues are tired about the conditions that the ex-consultants brought to Wayfair because most of them don't want to work like consultants but rather as normal employees.


On their own facilities and their partners use way too much carton, plastic and polystyrene. There is not even a single initiative inside the company to implement green packaging or to work with partners on this. The management cares now only about money and unfortunately the environment is not a priority for them. They only care that the suppliers ship their furniture regardless of their environment impact.


People with 3-4 years in the company in a Specialist or Manager position could be earning less than new employees on Entry Level. Totally unfair treatment towards old employees and their value but also new employees don't get most rewards at the beginning. They have restructured the compensation scheme recently but the top management (ex-consultants) are not transparent with they outcome of salary increases or reasons to give you a yearly bonus.


If you ask a group of friends, who has heard of Wayfair, only 10% would say they know the brand. The company is big in the US but in Europe they have a long way to go. In terms of image, working for them has never brought me any particular benefits.


They have a budget for personal learning which you can use but the internal offering for courses is really lame. You can be done with all of them in 2 months and the content is very basic (intern / entry level). Many Managers struggle learnings skills on management but the Top Management don't pay attention to this because they are only focused on profit. If you are not an ex-McKinsey consultant and friend of one of them, your chances of progressing inside the company are very very limited. Also, they are cutting many jobs in Berlin and moving their operations and facilities in Ireland because is cheaper to hire workers there. The carrier chances in Berlin are slightly better because in Ireland is literally manual work and poor management.
