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A great place to work with a modern, well-equipped office & plenty of opportunities to grow & develop.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.


Whether at work or off the clock, team members are ready to go the extra mile for each other.


Several of the leadership have their own kids, so there’s no bad feeling when you have to step out suddenly—they get it.

Many come to work at 9 or even later, then stay late. I’m an early bird who is often in the office before 7 and it’s never been a problem. What matters is that the work gets done.

Interessante Aufgaben

My work is very varied and interesting, with a mix of writing articles, social media posts, UI texts, internal communications, marketing copy and more.

Definitely keeps me on my toes—and that’s how I like it!


Yatta has the best equipped offices I’ve ever worked in—all the desks are height adjustable for standing or sitting, laptops and monitors are set up according to each person’s wishes (some ultra wide, some with 2 monitors, some even with several or vertical screens!)

And if there’s something you need, like a vertical mouse, that is provided as well.

The setup is also many smaller offices, so even if it gets loud at the coffee machine, you can shut the door to get in the zone.


For my position I am well paid & have also been well rewarded through the annual bonus system for my results.


At the start, they set some 7-year goals and actively push me toward them. So that feels very personally tailored.

But there’s also a book budget & the chance to take courses or attend events if you think they will benefit your work.

They also offer a broader set of training focused around economics, communication, design & more so each person better understands the big picture of the company and what we’re doing (and why).


