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Avoid working for

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It is very sad that the best team having perfect visions already left the company. Nearly 15% of the staffs already left the company within the past 2 years.


Europeans should be placed on the key positions understanding the culture and the market.


Due to the situation that the european staffs are not in focus of the company the working environment is not acceptable.


On the first view ok but if you are in and can see behind the lines you can avoid to run a communication because of the situation that the management never listen to you. Meeting will be held just to try to give the european a feeling to be a part of the team.


Europeans are ok as far as no Japanese is included.


The behavior of the japanese president and vice presidents is not acceptable in a way that they do not listen to the european persons having a perfect knowledge and experience on the european market. They will listen to comments and ideas but never decide in a way to adjust the company for the future. The european market share of the company remains below 3% since the company is stationed in Europe over 30 years ago. These persons are not professional, not fair and not open regarding european employees. No definition about targets, no fair in employee judgements due to missing targets. This is always a subjective grading. These persons just supporting their own culture without accepting they are stationed in Europe.

Interessante Aufgaben

Because of no future orientation an interesting working field is not really existing. Fighting against the managements ideas which are opposite from the market trend.


Not existing. Japanese are always first. After that a big dark hole and then the Europeans will come up.


It is ok but too many movements in the company from other floors and rooms. Also hear a clear line is missing.


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