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Great company as a whole, but in Auerbach is a different situation

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei ZF Friedrichshafen AG in Auerbach gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great products, great work-life balance, great history and reputation.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

An ordinary employee doesn’t have much impact to the company. Despite many good engineers and a few managers left the company recently, things haven’t changed even a little bit, i.e. the problems stayed and the management is just sitting and waiting for a miracle to happen. Instead of trying to see the problem from a different perspective, they are sticking to the same plan and tradition as before.


Completely reorganize the communication and daily meetings. Many of the employees spend a few hours each day participating in meetings which are not useful for them. Introduce standard form of communication and work organization. Tracking of open actions, clear definition of responsibility for each team member, transparent communication and exchange of ideas between ZF factories are the most important aspects to begin with.


The colleagues are nice, but everyone takes care of their tasks first and only if there is a spare time and will, then they are willing to help. In other words, if something doesn’t have a direct impact on them, it will likely be constantly postponed until forgotten.


Communication is 100% via Microsoft teams and emails. This leads to chaotic conversations and difficult tracking of open topics and necessary information.


See the comment about the work atmosphere above.


Great, due to 35 hours work week and the possibility for home office. Flexible working hours are great as well.


They are always available when support is needed, but the tasks are often postponed to the point where ZF has to accept the request from the supplier as it is, due to the impacts on cost or time for the project.

Interessante Aufgaben

A lot of communication with the suppliers, but it would be great both for the company as well for the employees, if there were more exchange of information and knowledge among other ZF factories (in Germany and worldwide).


No issues here.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Not a lot of knowledge sharing is present.


A bit older buildings, but the offices are being rebuilt and reorganized.


There are solar panels next to the factory, but nobody understands why they are not on the roof or above the parking spaces. There are a couple of charging stations for electric vehicles.


IG Metal Industry standard.


ZF is a huge company, and has a great reputation as a whole, but in Auerbach the situation is not cristal clear, especially about the future investments. This causes often not so great image for the employees there.


Internal job opportunities are available. A lot of Azubis and dual students decide to begin their work career here.
