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Worst job, that I've had. No work/life balance, bureaucracy, poor organization. Not for experienced hire.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Accenture in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Known brand, good for the CV
- If you have no work experience it can be a good starting point as all the following companies will feel like a dream-job in comparison with Accenture

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- No work/life balance
- Bureaucracy, you are not deciding which project to join, your domain lead does
- Poor hotels
- Poor organization and mentoring of the new joiners
- Poor career development support
- No feedback and employee satisfaction studies
- Low salary considering that you are forced to live for work
- Credit card type that is hardly accepted anywhere in Europe
- Presentation of the company while recruiting is very different from the actual situation at Accenture. Don't lie people


- If you have a company policy setting certain amount for the hotel rate in a city it should not be allowed for the project leads to set it lower. We spent so much time traveling and staying outside of home, at least we should get a normal place to sleep and not some camping tent an hour away from the client side, it's enough that we have to travel all over the country 2 times a week!
- if you find the project, you should be able to join it, I don't care about the administrative organization


Depends on the project.


You get into project, nobody controls if the work is going well. Everything works only via escalation with the management /leadership team


Again depends on the project. About which cooperation can be talked, if the employees are used by the company and leadership, forced to take vacation when the lead needs, forced to work overtime when you have private appointments


Forget about your private life and hobbies, joining this company is like joining cult, there will be no room left for anything else.


If they think you should join a certain project, you will be forced to do it. If you like something else-it's your problem.

Interessante Aufgaben

If you are lucky you can get into very innovative and interesting project. If you are less lucky they will put you in any project, even if it doesn't fit your career goals and qualification


All nationalities and genders are welcome. If you are a new joiner the life is not easy. If you have a low career level your voice and opinion won't be heard.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are almost no older employees, because nobody wants to work that long at the company like this. I guess if an older person joins Accenture, he/she will run away very quickly, because he/she has some other place to compare with.


Cheapest hotels, possible with the shared bathrooms. Considering that you are there every week for 4 days a week is a very big minus. Company's events - you will have to share a room with another colleague. Offices of Accenture are good, but as a consultant you are almost never there. Good computers. Project can be anywhere, traveling time is your private time if you can't work while traveling. Considering that you can hardly choose a project, you might travel a lot and also use your free time for that.


Big offshore teams in India, Philippines etc, the key point is law costs, so the labor market here is completely irrelevant, therefore no social responsibility towards the place where they earn money


Considering no work/life balance, traveling on business in your free time, bad hotels without fitness and private bathrooms, this is very a little what they pay for this kind of "life"


Good image


A lot of learning opportunities and trainings, although not every project lead is happy to give time for this. So it's very luckily you will have to make learning online in your free time. Many people are leaving the company already within the firs years after hiring, this is why for the ones, who stay it's pretty quick to grow the career level. It takes longer to get higher level at the classical not consulting company, but the main reason is that such companies are simply better place to work and the competition is higher.



Wow, that is a tough one. Your experience seems to be not what it should be. Thanks, first for your time and your pronounced and thoughtful comments. Please excuse us for not answering each of your comments but we will try and cover some important issues. We also strongly encourage you to talk to your counselor or, if that is not an option, talk to HR, please.

Regarding the projects we assign our colleagues to, there is always one rule: We try and find the best fit for you. Depending on your skills and fit – and the customer´s requirements. It is not a guarantee in each circumstance, but it is the rule the staffing team adheres to.
On controlling project success, we strongly believe in our people being responsible and responsive. No matter, which position they fill.
Age is just a number, as they say. Although we are a fast-growing company, more than 10 per cent of our employees in the ASGR region are 10 years+ with us.
We also have traveling guidelines that put our people at the center. This includes a certain standard of hotels in as close a proximity to the client’s site as possible. If these rules are not being adhered to, we urge you to speak up with your manager or counselor. If you feel a lack of support, we strongly recommend that you talk to your counselor. It is his responsibility to guide you career wise. Our performance achievement program
New joiners are guided by a mentor for the first couple of months, a counselor will take on this responsibility from there on. Before they commit themselves to join Accenture, they can talk to Accenture staff to get a good idea of what it “really means” to be a part of the Accenture team.

All the best
Your Accenture HR-Team
