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No growth opportunities & no effort is made to keep talented employees

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei AMBOSS GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- High flexibility regarding work from home
- Dynamic working hours
- Some very kind colleagues
- In principal, a very interesting product

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- The upper management needs training
- Individual employees are not valued and thus, no effort is made to keep them
- Chaotic processes and indecision which leads to work being done for nothing
- Very conservative stance and subpar performance of some long-time employees which noone is allowed to challenge


- More appropriate, higher salaries
- Less empty "benefits" such as free food
- No more forced socializing like the "hackathons" in winter which are actually a health-risk
- Proper training for upper management
- Less involvement of the CEO in the actual processes


No transparence at all.


There are some personalities in higher positions who are not made or trained for management roles. Dichotomy when it comes to culture: very open and friendly at first glace but when you get deeper into it, there's backstabbing and favouritism.


The very flexible work from home policy was actually the best thing about this employer, making it easy to be productive and focused while working.


C-levels need management training as most are ex physicians and not really fit to run a company.


It seems that certain employees who have been part of the core group from the beginning are being favored above everyone else.


The offices were rather small and cramped, no one has their own desk so it's very stressful to find a place to work. Management decisions are questionable sometimes, e.g. last winter there was an onsite "Hackathon" where many employees contracted covid.
The only plus was the great flexibility regarding work from home in general!


Salaries are subpar compared to similar positions. They try to make everyone happy by offering other benefits such as free cooked food at the offices but it seems this is just done to save money on actual proper salaries (as offering benefits gives the company tax advantages).
No christmas bonus.


No growth opportunities whatsoever, even when interest to work in a different department is expressed and there is already collaboration. Instead, they prefer to bring in new people from outside.


Interessante Aufgaben

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



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