116 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
116 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
97 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
116 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
97 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Work life balance is good. Few projects are also good.
Since they don't have any projects now, they are creating trouble for everyone so that people leave on their own. In yearly review my lead had 7 positive and 1 negative feedback (to which i replied with a reason and he agreed to it) but they still noted down the negative one to not give any raise. and if they wont find anything against you they'll hide themselves behind German language. ZERO BENEFITS. ZERO APPRECIATION. ZERO BONUSES. Typical third world business.
1. Listen and trust your people.
2. Treat human as human
3. Give fair compensation
4. Dont hide yourself behind baseless/bogus reviews
5. Be more reasonable
the colleagues
when you get hired, you get the misleading feeling, that the HR-Department cares for you.
They don't.
Instead of mediating between the worker's requests and the company's interests, they only represent the company.
Be more transparent.
Don't lie to your workers.
Take responsibility for your actions, instead of hiding the results, when they didn't work out.
It feels weird to work for this company, since the management is blaming us for their bad middle-management, while reducing our (almost non-existent) "benefits" to a minimum and is not taking responsibility for their decisions.
Also there have been almost no raises this year, since the management wanted to acquire a new company.
The competent and friendly colleagues are the only reason, I haven't left yet.
While transparency is not implemented, Middle-Management is investing a lot to show a good image to the outside:
- most kununu reviews feel payed
- final good bye messages to our af-general channel get reworked by management, if they don't like them
- new colleagues get cushioned to show them that everything works like a charm in this company
pretty good, since the only requirements of the CXOs is that you are working on "billable" projects, which you have almost no control over.
But there is always time for more unhelpful meetings or plenty of coffee breaks.
There used to be a 2 hour time frame for every employee to learn about new technologies and just keep up-to-date with tech changes.
This time frame got sneakily omitted years ago.
As already stated, raises are almost always declined. The best performing people got a 3-5% raise this year.
Long-term workers might get skipped or denied, depending on their origin.
Benefits are mostly just so Appsfactory can say "we have benefits", but these benefits are just here so we aren't eligible to receive bonuses.
Also the company parties got downsized a lot this year. Maybe next year we will have no company party at all.
No measures were taken. The highest paying client gets accepted.
Moral doesn't play a big role here.
It feels more and more like this company has a "good" and a "bad" side of the force (like in star wars).
The colleagues motivate each other and listen carefully, but the if you communicate your concerns to the "dark side", you have to fear getting laid off immediately, without further notice or transparent explanation. This has happened multiple times now.
Old people only get hired for management positions. Otherwise Appsfactory is always looking for cheap and young personell.
Confirmed by outsiders.
At least the get treated fairly.
Most direct superiors are competent, listen actively to your requests and take time to solve your problems with you, but you never know, what is being communicated behind your back.
The more or less regular all-hands meetings don't feel honest at all. Management is dodging questions, they don't feel comfortable answering.
Also the new middle-management employees, don't take the time to explain their requests or communicate their problems transparently.
Instead they say "please submit your forms better" without enough context on how to accomplish their wishes.
Appsfactory brags with it's diversity, but never tells you about how foreigners get treated here.
Foreigners get way less income and almost no raises.
Also every working contract has some clauses like "don't talk about your income", which is illegal to prohibit in Germany. Management knows this, which is why they added the clause "if any clause doesn't apply, you can't sue us".
This has the consequence that foreigners stick to rules, that aren't legitimate, while fearing that they might get terminated.
We haven't acquired a lot of new projects and we are only implementing "best practices", that we have already implemented.
Interesting tasks are only assigned to "high-performers".
You can act very freely and proactivity is appreciated. This creates space to develop and to get things done. The parties are amazing.
I am very happy at the moment.
Maybe think about the ‘old hands’ again and again. That's certainly being done, I just want to point out that it's always a challenge to keep the level in the area of salary the same with new hires.
Great energy, especially at the HQ in Leipzig.
Very good so far, we've also had a lot of positive feedback from customers. Even when things don't go as planned, you always manage to make everyone happy.
In an agency, you may have to survive a peak here and there, and sometimes things can get a bit busy, but overall you can work very flexibly.
My team has had several training sessions and, in my view, you can always get in touch with HR and make suggestions. Of course, you need to be proactive to a certain extent, but then there are many opportunities.
Very appropriate. Sure, there are exceptions, but generally good. The current times are, of course, a challenge for everyone.
I think more could be done, including participating in official reports, such as ESG.
Overall, there are a lot of young people in the AF, but the veterans and older members are also treated with respect.
Good dialogue and you are also given the trust to drive things forward yourself.
You can get everything you need there.
Newsletters are offered in various areas, as are all-hands meetings. I feel informed.
It would be nice to see more women in leadership positions.
Exciting new challenges arise time and again, which is in the nature of things at an agency.
Lockere, moderne Umgangsform (Duzen) inklusive "Chefetage." Wirkt wertschätzend und man fühlt sich als wertvolles Mitglied und wird direkt eingebunden.
Die 3 Geschäftsführer sind alle nahbar und selbst noch aktiv ins Tagesgeschäft eingebunden. (evtl. Entlastung durch VP o.ä. nötig). Sie sind immer offen für einen Schwatz an der Kaffeemaschine oder ansprechbar bei Problemen. Und feiern Seite an Seite mit den Mitarbeitenden auf sämtlichen Partys. Das hab ich so tatsächlich noch nie erlebt.
Entstehende "Gläserne Wand" zwischen People&Culture (ehemals HR) und allen anderen.
- Mitarbeiterfeedback ernst nehmen. Es wird immer wieder ermutigt dieses abzugeben aber am Ende werden die Punkte übergangen oder man bekommt eine unbefriedigende Antwort zurück.
-Ziele / Leistung messen und kontrollieren, gerade im non-billable Bereich.
- Make the Jahresbonus happen.
- Feelgoodmanagement fürs Feelgoodmanagement. Der Fokus ist vor allem bei den Entwicklern, und die "internen" (IT, Finance, Assistance...) fallen oft hinten runter. Hier ist leider oft so, dass man einfach nur der Dienstleister ist und niemanden interessiert ob man sich wohlfühlt.
Nach außen Top. Die Kunden schätzen die Arbeit und Leistungen wirklich sehr und man gibt sich im Umgang mit ihnen echt sehr viel Mühe. Die PTLs versuchen immer alles möglich zu machen. Intern bekommt man eben auch die unschönen Sachen mit, daher ist es aktuell durchwachsen.
Die Mülltrennung funktioniert mittelmäßig. Eine Biotonne wäre toll. Das liegt meines Wissens aber in den Händen des Gebäudemanagements.
Es werden (zB nach feiern/grillen etc.) unglaublich viele Lebensmittel weggeworfen - hier könnte man die MA ermutigen sich ggf etwas einzupacken oder am nächsten Tag zu verspeisen. Auch die Bestellvorgänge (Amazon) könnten optimiert werden ( zB 1x pro Woche, 2x im Monat)
Je nach Abteilung
Jeder der schonmal hier gearbeitet hat, vermisst am Ende des Tages die Kollegen! Hier arbeiten wirklich viele, tolle, unterschiedliche, innovative Menschen. #Appsfactorians
Moderne, zentrale Büros
Darf gerne transparenter werden
Leider zu wenig Frauen in leitenden Positionen (zum Zeitpunkt 4). Hier darf man gerne nachlegen.
- Trust they put in you with projects without micro managing
- Each office can adjust some rules according to their own needs
- The teams
- The variety of projects and clients and by that the amount you can learn :-)
- Summerparty and Christmasparty in general to bring everyone together :-)
1. Below-market high-level salaries
2. When internal surveys reveal negative feedback or unpopular opinions, you're treated as the enemy, rather than being met with an effort to understand and improve
3. The focus is entirely on numbers
4. Christmas parties are now scheduled 2 days before christmas, a time when most people are preparing to travel home. It feels like they’re more concerned about avoiding sick days during regular work hours knowing the compay is going to be closed after the christmas party anyway
5. No Christmas, vacation or end-of-year boni or at least a little creative personal surprise or even personalized speech that shows some appreciation for the work we are all doing during the year. Beanies with a huge AF Logo nobody is gonna wear – really?
1. Homeoffice Flexibility, no back-to-office culture
2. A more appreciative communication style from C-Level to employees: we all want to work here, love our projects and clients a lot of the times and are not taking half days off just because we work from home
3. More appreciation for project successes
4. HR shouldn't complain about tasks that are central to their role, such as receiving and evaluating employee feedback and addressing concerns.
Within the team it is totally fine, within the overall company it's unpleasant
1. Employees have the flexibility to choose their working hours within the core hours of 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, which is fair.
2.Transitioning from a home office culture back to an office-centric one is the most outdated and unfriendly news to employees, especially those who never signed up for this change. What about those with families, kids, or pets to care for? Or those who started new hobbies thanks to reduced commute times? Now, some employees even have to commute from other cities.
3. Officially, overtime isn't paid, and employees are required to work up to 16 hours per month without compensation—this isn't ideal. However, team leads usually handle this fairly, allowing most people to balance overtime within the same or following week.
4. Vacation planning has become restrictive, with employees now needing to schedule part of their time off by June and use 10 days before June or July. This limits flexibility for those who prefer taking holidays in the second half of the year, although individual arrangements might still be possible.
5. Workation is possible worldwide (nice!) but only once a year and up to 4 weeks – this could be a bit more flexible.
1. The salary is too low for Seniors and Teamleads (under marketstandards) and the ranges are immensly wide.
2. There has been an instance where salaries were paid a few days late, even extending into the next month, such as over Christmas, due to someone forgetting to confirm the payments. This is unprofessional for a company of this size.
If we don't get to fly we do it for the pricing not the environment. I would say AF is neutral in regards to social and environmental consciousness
Great Team, mostly really nice and appreciative people
We are all pretty young :)
1. The leadership team is quite young, which often results in inexperience and a lack of strong psychological team management skills.
2. Depending on the individual and the level of pressure, leadership can range from being very fair to destructive and demotivating.
1. Whenever you need something reasonable (hardware to work better for example or office furniture) it is followed up quickly and with no complications.
2. The offices have terrasses and really aesthetically pleasing conference rooms.
3. Adjustable tables are standard, the good ergonomic chairs are only reserved for fixed desks
4. The offices themselves feel a bit dry and cold though.
1. Communication in official meetings from C-level to employees often feels awkward, unpleasant and restrictive. It sometimes comes across as if they don't trust us and begrudge us even small improvements. For instance, when they finally changed the sick leave policy to not require a doctor's note from day one, it was coupled with the comment, "We will monitor this over the next 6 to 12 months to see if the number of sick leaves around weekends increases, and if so, we'll revert to the old rule."
Another example is the new "back to office" policy, where we're required to book desks, accompanied by the statement, "Of course, we'll be checking to ensure you're actually in the office." Come on, really? Even if there are concerns, they don't need to be expressed this way, as it creates an atmosphere of mistrust and excessive control.
2. Good thing is the regular all hands meeting about company updates which has a slot for questions afterwards
3. The removal of team events and employee benefits like lunches during meetings or in other locations breakfast, combined with a lack of transparency about who gets to do what and when, creates a sense of randomness and inconsistency.
Depends on whos favor you are in and in which drawer you were put in
The work and the employees
It feels like they don't trust their employees, benefits and salary are below average for the industry
Focus on the people instead of KPIs. Give a raise to your employees instead of hiring new overpaid roles.
Awesome colleagues, nice offices (with great office locations)
Even my haircutter heard bad things about the company
Way below average for this industry, and it is getting worse and worse. Now we are required to be in the office (depending on your position) 2 to 5 ways per week and they also introduced a new tool which tracks who's in the office at which day and could potentially used to track the employees. Also other regulations are getting more strict over time. Workation was reduced from 2 to 1 month per year without notice (after they completely reworked our Confluence, so it's not in the edit history anymore). You now have to plan and take vacation until a deadline (which is before summer holiday for schools, which makes it really hard for families), ...
You can ask for new experiences but theres no official plan for continues education.
Good for Germany, below average for the industry, bad perks
We had a workshop once about what could be improved but nothing happened
No issued here, colleagues are the best!!
as with every other employee
Really depends. Haven't made any negative experience with Project Leads or Tech Leads but everything above is bad. E.g. top management kicks out people from booked meeting rooms for their own meetings.
Communication with C-level management is bad. They always say "we have an open door policy and you should just get in", but in reality they're either in meetings or not in the office at all. There are monthly all hands meetings with a QnA at the end but for some question they start laughing and just say "no".
Appsfactory hires employees from other countries and pays them less "cause they don't speak German and are requested less from clients", there are multiple illegal clauses in working contracts (e.g. you're not allowed to talk about your salary). Of course German people know that's illegal but foreigners are scared to talk about it due to such illegal clauses. Appsfactory expanded to Moldova to pay less taxes there and have some cheaper employees. Only men in higher management positions.
Most projects are interesting, you can use latest technology and can switch projects on requests (at least after some time)
Moderne Büros, moderne Geräte, die Kollegen und Kolleginnen
Weiterbildungskultur, Gehaltskultur (Keine Boni), Vorgesetztenverhalten, unflexible Arbeitszeits/Officekultur
Feedback der Angestellten ernst nehmen und darauf eingehen, zeigen das man darauf eingeht. Leute auch proaktiv weiterbilden. Weiterbildungen nicht mehr blockieren.
Die restriktive Officepflicht die eingeführt wurde, wieder zurücknehmen.
Professionelle Headsets mit Mikro für die Mitarbeiterinnen einführen, so dass der Lärm in Onlinemeetings reduziert wird.
Das hängt stark vom Team ab und ist in den Teams generell besser als Abteilungsübergreifend.
Hier weiss ich nicht viel zu, aber siehe die anderen Kommentare hier auf kununu zu dem Thema.
Mein Eindruck ist, dass man hier Dinge besser angehen könnte.
Gleitzeit gibt es nicht und mit der neu eingeführten Officepflicht müssen viele nun wieder mehrere Tage im Büro anwesend sein, manche sogar jeden Tag der Woche. Man hat hier ursprünglich aufgrund der flexiblen Office/HomeOffice Regelung angefangen.
Ich finde, es gibt so gut wie keine Chancen als Angestellter an irgendeine Art der Weiterbildung zu kommen. Es gibt keinen Prozess und Leads unterstützen einen nicht. Es werden manchmal Lernsessions zum Mittagessen angeboten zu speziellen Themen, aber das kann man nicht Weiterbildung nennen, das ist vielleicht eine kurze Einführung. Ausserdem isst man währenddessen Mittagessen. Wenn man den Vorgesetzen mitteilt, dass man sich gerne entwickeln möchte, kommen nur Vertröstungen auf die Zukunft mit einem "Vielleicht".
Mein persönlicher Eindruck ist, dass die Vorgesetzten in 1:1s die Leute dazu anregen, ihre Freizeit für Weiterbildungen aufzuwenden und das auch für Zertifikate die PFLICHT sind, weiter angestellt zu sein.
Wie man an den Einträgen hier auf kununu sehen kann, sind die Gehälter eher unter dem Schnitt der Branche anzusiedeln.
Weitere monetäre Zahlungen gibt es nicht, nach sehr sehr langer Betriebszugehörigkeit (10 Jahre) gibt es dann mal einen kleinen Bonus.
Es gibt zwar einen GymPass und einen Zuschuss zum Dienstrad, aber es sei angeblich nicht möglich, einen Zuschuss zum Deutschlandticket zu bekommen, das Argument "Es würde ja nicht genutzt". Zeitgleich aber die Leute wieder zurück ins Büro verpflichten.
Gehaltserhöhungsprozess gibt es nicht.
Es wird so viel gereist, da kann ich nicht mehr Sterne vergeben als den Einen.
Tolle Menschen die hier arbeiten ! Man unterstützt sich und hat sich gern, der Zusammenhalt unter den Peers ist sehr groß
Hier scheint es keine Probleme zu geben, man begegnet sich respektvoll.
Hängt wirklich davon ab, wen man als Vorgesetzten hat. Mein Eindruck von vielen Kolleginnen ist: ah Man wird nicht aktiv bei der Weiterbildung unterstützt.
Irgendwann geht es dazu über, dass dein Lead einfach nicht mehr zu Meetings (1:1s) mit dir erscheint und immer kommentarlos eine halbe Stunde vorher das Meeting absagt. Da fühlt man sich nicht ernst genommen.
Viele Mitarbeitender sind aktuell unzufrieden und feedbacken das auch und tragen das über Team Leads nach oben, aber es entsteht der Eindruck, dass dieses Feedback nicht aufgearbeitet wird.
Die Büros sind modern. Die Arbeitsgeräte auch.
Man sitzt auch mal zu sechst in einem Büro an Tischen die zu schmal sind um mehr als einen Bildschirm zu nutzen und in einer anderen Etage sitzen die Leute zu zweit in Büros die größer sind. Ich finde, generell herrscht eine große Lärmverschmutzung.
Eine Sache die sehr für mich belastend war: Generell werden Laptop Mikrofone genutzt und die sind so empfindlich, dass sie jedes Geräusch aus dem Raum weitergeben, man hört jedes Klicken und oft einfach andere Kollegen und Kolleginnen die einiges lauter sind als die Person mit der man gerade ein Meeting hat.
Auch hier würde ich sagen, die Kommunikation innerhalb des Teams ist gut. Die Leadership könnte aber wesentlich transparenter sein, bei schwierigen Themen wird man gebeten, Fragen nur direkt persönlich an seinen Lead zu stellen, anstatt das Thema transparent und nachvollziehbar für Beteiligte aufzuarbeiten.
Mein Eindruck ist, dass man hier eher auf "controlling the narrative" und "divide + conquer" setzt, als auf Transparenz.
Unter den Projektmanagern gibt es Nicht-männliche Angestellte, aber nicht weiter oben Richtung Upper Management.
In HR und Design gibt es viele Frauen, in einigen anderen Bereichen könnten sie stärker vertreten werden.
Es entsteht der Eindruck, dass so gut wie alle weiblichen Kolleginnen mit denen ich mich unterhalte, schlechter bezahlt werden bzw. keine Gehaltserhöhung bekommen.
Spannende namenhafte Kunden aus der DACH Region und interessante Projekte. Man kann, wenn man möchte, da einen guten Impact auf den Projekten haben. Es gibt zwar ein paar herausfordende Legacy Projekte, aber das nächste Projekt steht ja auch wieder an.
Colleagues, projects, modern tech and frameworks, good hardware and tools.
No real bonuses.
gym pass, dienstrad, free drinks, fruits and cereals.
Its ok to have gym pass (which not everyone wants to use) but its not possible to get support for Deutschlandticket. The argument is „not everyone will use it“. See the problem here…?
Only bonuses that are cheap, easy and don‘t cost any effort are maybe chosen…
The top management is only interested in making the most money. Social fairness, being a good company don’t matter at all, since it doesn't yield money.
Why do I still work for them: The colleagues and the projects - so far…
The latest change is a step back from modern work-life-balance. You have to be in the office 2 days a werk. Other departments then engineering even more, up to 5 days! Dear top management, its 2024, give flexibility. Nearly no one wants to work just from home. Most people want the freedom to chose!!! Adjust their work style to their life style. Most people I worked and talked with in the company are happy to come to the offices when it males sense: team events, retros, refinements, client meetings, socialising.
The new policy is clearly a quick shot without much thought. „just get the people back, the offices cost a lot of money…“
Depends heavily on your team. Some leads are very interested in you and your welfare. Others don‘t. The higher up go, the less they care.
There is a huge machinery in the company to create a good outside view. Its mostly true but highly oversold… E.g. most positive kununu evaluations are from colleagues before their probation time ends. They are ask to write „an honest“ feedback.
Non-existent. They will tell you its there, but in reality its not. You are now forced to come to the office 2 days a week - „because the office was so expensive…“ - without having actual flexibility.
The most flexibility you get is talking to your project lead and agree on thing „under the table“.
The middle management and tech leads are really interested in providing trainings, but HR is unable to provide a successful process for over 5 years now.
The yearly addition is a training contract for trainings with higher costs which bind you some time to the company or you have to pay back a percentage…
Under the average. If you can negotiate well you have good chances for an over average salary. But keep in mind that there is no actual salary negotiation. Tell HR what you want, if you crossed a line they bring it to the top management. You will get feedback via email about what you get… Welcome in 2024.
They care for the environment, but less for social fairness.
Colleagues work very well together. Everyone tries their best and helps each other.
Saw no bad examples, seems
Some yes some no. Depends on who is leading you. Speaking about the top management and what they care about: money, money, money.
The offices are modern. You get good laptops and can chose between a Windows or MacBook. You are now even allowed to use certain Linux distros if you like.
Meeting room equipment is bad. The microphone quality is just the worst - in every office…
There monthly/bi-monthly update meetings from the management and certain departments. How does the company do, whats news, changes - its on zoom. Everyone can (non-anonymous) ask questions afterwards in the chat. You have no chance to really discuss things.
The top managements often uses this to defend their points with arguments you can‘t react on in this kind of setup.
No chance for women to climb the ladder. In stereotypical positions like HR (only women) or Design, you find women.
This is exemplified by the top management and handed down the pipeline…
Worst part is that there is no interest in fostering diversity at any level. Efforts are just ignored.
Cool and fun projects. You habe a lot
of freedom to shape the projects and contribute. There are some legacy projects here and there, but you get over them and the next exciting project will come.
This flexi home office is a joke and forcing people to come to office is not really productive.
They really do not care about employees and only do events to get publicity. And new people and culture team is even bigger joke. Never reply to you and you need to chase them for any education and talk about cost for months.
When I joined the company it was more about getting things done now everything is about only money. I think most of the 4 and 5 star reviews here are fake.
Teamzusammenhalt, zT spannende Aufgaben, die Teamleads geben wirklich alles für ihre Teams.
Verpflichtungen durchdrücken die den Mitarbeitern das Gefühl geben, dass ihnen nicht vertraut wird & viele Mitarbeiter bekommen jetzt Probleme durch Officeverpflichtungen. Man hat ursprünglich hier angefangen, da es eine flexible Office/Homeofficeregelung gibt und muss nun seinen Alltag komplett unstrukturieren und auf eigene Kosten zT langen Fahrtweg auf sich nehmen. Viele Mitarbeiter sind aktuell unzufrieden und fühlen sich nicht gehört, obwohl es über gefeedbackt wird und über Teamleads nach oben getragen wird.
Auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse eingehen und nicht alle über eine Richtlinie abfertigen. Nachvollziehbare Begründungen für bestimmte Veränderungen liefern.
So verdient kununu Geld.