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Please try to treat your candidates fairly - it's all about appreciation

Bewerber/inHat sich bei BAT - British American Tobacco in Hamburg als Direktansprache für Recruiting / Employer Branding beworben und wurde für eine spätere Berücksichtigung vorgemerkt.


I was contacted by a recruiter from Bulgaria (?) for a Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding Manager position at BAT Hamburg office via LinkedIn. The first call went pretty smooth, not a difficult interview, and also pretty nice. Then it took BAT approx. 2 weeks to get back to schedule another appointment in the office.

The appointment was cancelled on the same day, indicating that the HR manager was off sick. I personally work in HR, and I already had a feeling that this is just an excuse. And so it was. I was told a couple weeks later that the position was put on hold. No call, just an email.

Please treat your applicants with more respect! They have invested time speaking to you, so you owe them an honest and transparent answers. HR people know when you make up excuses - we have all been there :)

Overall, I can't reflect on the company's values "...Delivers what is promised"

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