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Mediocre consultancy that claims to do strategy, but mostly does implementation

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Capgemini Invent in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Quite a lot of freedom (home-office, personal appointments, etc.)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The whole organization is just chaotic and mostly leaves an image of utter incompetence to the point of embarrassment.


Hire a more competent workforce and ask yourself, why mostly incompetent people with a mediocre education choose to pursue a career in your organization.


Its alright, but highly project dependent. If you're smart/ fast/ well-educated you can get away with doing almost nothing, because the average level of competency is so low. Most colleagues are nice, but that's about it. If you care about collaborating with skilled people, and not the kind of people who constantly brag about their miniscule achievements on LinkedIn, you will be mostly disappointed. More often than not, working with senior colleagues proves to be highly embarrassing, because they rarely know what they are doing, and often openly lie to customers. The official motto of people promoted as "shining examples" is "fake it till you make it". Enough said.


The organization loves to communicate how open, diverse, and generally awesome they are (to cringeworthy levels, think soccer moms using hashtags). Also the company apparently permanently prints money. Unfortunately, this does not seem to translate into higher salaries. Other than that communication only takes place when somebody needs something - the moment that goal is achieved, the higher ups could not care less about informing you about stuff (e.g. progress on a proposal you agreed to help with after hours). Much last-minute stuff by the absolutely incapable senior leadership.


Good in my team, everybody is mostly annoyed by the company to some extent, and a shared burden is something that keeps the minions together. Higher ups preach the Capgemini values and other agreed-upon mantras, so depending on the nature of your problem, there is not much support to be expected. For most things you can count on support though - if you can't do better than Capgemini and are ok with its mediocrity, it probably is a nice place in the consulting world.


For me excellent, to the point of absolute boredom. Other people report a high workload, comparable to the big, actual strategy houses. From experience, this almost exclusively is caused by the higher ups refusing to do any real work and a miserable time-management on their part. The projects Capgemini delivers simply are not the kind of projects that usually should generate a high amount of stress if you know what you are doing.


Depends, as stated before, they are often superficially nice, but usually people who stay longer believe the almost-sectarian stuff the leadership is preaching and simply can not do better - this is not an ideal recipe for senior leadership. There are many lifers, who never have seen anything different. Many of them seem to have made a cozy career in the organization. If you are into this kind of thing, Capgemini is a nice place. If you are looking to learn and be inspired - better look elsewhere. Many higher-ups obviously have no skill whatsoever and refuse to do any actual work, except for publicity stunts.

Interessante Aufgaben

Not really, everybody pretends like the projects are high-impact, but generally everybody simply wants to sell as much as possible, resulting in boring implementation projects. This is known throughout the industry and contributes to the mild amusement caused by calling what Invent does "strategy". The organization is chosen for cost, not excellence. Additionally, it is expected to participate in useless side-projects ("offerings" or whatever). They are rarely generating any impact and mostly serve the sole purpose of being material for your superiors promotion case (and sometimes your own).


Lots of rainbow stuff and women, I guess thats alright - incopetency seems very evenly distributed.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Little to no older folks - most people jump ship after a while, because salary increases are miniscule and you learn very little.


Alright, but mostly crowded offices. Internet in the office often is unusable.


Lots of greenwashing - lower grades are asked to use the train, but flying is very common. People often have obscenely big company cars, and the requirement to lease a hybrid vehicle is more of a publicity stunt than anything else.


Too low, no inflation compensation. Salary increases with promotions are laughable, especially for IT professionals.




Lots of online stuff and certifications for the big hyperscalers. Depends on the economic sitiation.

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Capgemini Invent HR & Recruiting Team, Recruiting & HR Marketing Manager
Capgemini Invent HR & Recruiting TeamRecruiting & HR Marketing Manager

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