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Emma - The Sleep Company Logo


Emma burns employees

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Emma - The Sleep Company gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

there is no canteen, no possibility to buy something to eat. you have to walk into frankfurt and pay at least 10 euro for a meal.

there are no benefits for employees like a job bike, enough vacation and flexibility, no retirement plan, they suck the young people dry until they can't take it anymore, everything is chaotic, there is no security, emma only thinks about the benefits for the company but not about how her employees are doing.

they bring 90% of the employees from abroad to germany. this way they bind the employees to the company because they are only allowed to stay in germany with the work permit. so changing jobs also means moving out of germany again.

they lie to you by promising to keep offering remote. suddenly they change direction and everyone is to come back to the office. extremely unfair and not appropriate to the new world of work. no trust


Emma promised many employees during the pandemic to keep flexible home office arrangements. These were suddenly changed with the statement that "Tesla would do it exactly the same way".

Then please pay like Tesla!

Additionally, no overtime can be celebrated off. Overtime is self-explanatory and almost expected.


Men earn better here

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

They just hire young people and keep them until they are burnt out.


There are no fixed workstations. you have to look for a new place every day. The equipment is cheap (uncomfortable chairs, bad monitors etc).

You have to wait years for a company phone, if you get one at all


emma prefers to have all employees drive to the office every day instead of protecting the environment and continuing to offer home offices. emma does nothing for environmental friendliness. neither for products nor for employees.


emma offers its employees no bonuses, no christmas or vacation pay, no job bike, no train ticket, etc.


they are looking for young people without experience because they do not demand high salaries





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thank you for taking the time to share your opinion and feedback with us here. We really appreciate the time and effort you put into your words.

We are very sorry to hear that you haven’t made the best experience within Emma during your time in the company. We take your feedback very seriously and will discuss it internally to improve processes, leadership, and our work environment.
For now, I just want to react to two points as they seem to be most important:
1. Benefits: We do know, that it became common for companies to offer benefits for their employees. However, as Emma is always questioning the status quo and rethinking processes, we've intentionally decided against classic benefits as they often only fit to the needs of very few employees and not to everyone (not everyone wants to have a gym membership, a ticket for public transportation, etc.). Nonetheless we do see our office vibe, our Emma DNA, our events and career opportunities (and much more) as benefits to work at Emma.
2. Homeoffice-Policy: Our CEO Dennis has recently published an article about the reasons, advantages and challenges related to our new In-the-Office approach: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6964860731754188800?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_updateV2%3A%28urn%3Ali%3AugcPost%3A6964860731754188800%2CFEED_DETAIL%2CEMPTY%2CDEFAULT%2Cfalse%29

We wish you all the best for your future personal and professional life!

Thank for being a part of Emma.
Best wishes
your Employer Branding Team
