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Interesting interviews with surprising result.

Bewerber/inHat sich 2021 bei Google Germany GmbH in Berlin als Product Manager beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


Drawing concrete conclusions based a 45 minutes interview is not fair. One of the interviewers had a very bad internet connection and was actually disconnected several times, then we ran out of time for 3-4 minutes, then he already had a blaming attitude that we ran out of time as if it is applicant's fault that he was disconnected several times and wasted the interview time. Other than that, the question they ask is really general and in the end they draw very detailed conclusions about the cognitive and analytical skills of the people.

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Schnelle Antwort

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage

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