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Some companies look shinier on the outside

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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Recht / Steuern bei HelloBetter in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

100% home office option

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Opinions outweigh facts more often than not and those opinions are usually also not based on extensive experience, leading to a loss of motivation for everyone involved.


I tried for years and the relevant pain points didn't change. No point in trying it here.


Really depends on the team and colleagues. Most of them are alright chaps. See next section for more info.


Company advertises transparency, but this is only skin deep. Lot's of uninteresting information is being passed around under the guise of being transparent, but really important information is usually only proclaimed after the fact or never. To those without deeper insights and that feel overwhelmed by the all hands white noise, this might actually come across as transparency. On a team level, this might differ. But even the legal team many times just as late as everybody else. There's a huge rift between what superiors think the legal team needs to know and the reality of what needs to be passed along and when to ensure effective support.


Pretty okay, especially on the lower ranks. Rather an individual thing.


Abysmal. See upper sections.


Extremely intransparent communication. Information is only communicated in bits and pieces by superiors, which makes it extremely difficult to adequately fulfill one's own tasks.

Employees are driven to wear and tear. Complaints about constant and long-lasting work overload are accepted in an indifferent and cold manner and in over 3 years of complaining without any form of comment. After expressing happiness about the fact, that I manage to keep work times for my team to the 9 to 5 ideal, the only response was to drive them harder which I refused. It's one thing having to work, because of a lack of capacity, but it's completely unacceptable if this mindset becomes the norm to save on money allthewhile cash is burned in obviously fruitless projects.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends. There can be a wealth of interesting tasks, but also quite a few unwelcome ones. A lot of work is carried on few shoulders, so I also had to take on tasks I absolutely hated, even though there would have been more appropriate positions that could have covered those, but many times people just try to avoid extra work. That goes for many superiors as well, leading to the fact that some people end up with tasks they greatly dislike.


See lower sections, especially payment

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Let's adapt this to how colleagues are dealt with in general. This really depends on the person and the superior. Some can't do no wrong, others can't do anything right in the eyes of superiors and this is reflected in the treatment. There were cases were people were found inadequate and then put under massive pressure to either leave the company or accept less favorable positions. The company can be absolutely ruthless when it has the feeling that something grinds the gears, regardless of whether that's justified or not. Everything is kept under wraps as to not destroy the otherwise bubblegum colored facade.


Unpaid overtime in the amount of 10-20 hours a week which is ignored even if it's repeatedly mentioned as a pain point. This includes work in the evening or even into the deep night and on holidays or weekends as well. There's no compensation for this extra work. I have provided roughly 1.500 hours of overtime in the last 3.5 years and received some 3 days special vacation in return. The preposterous mindset is that if the employee does it voluntarily then the company isn't obligated to balance this effort out.




Payment is average or below average, depending on the position. The company feigns equality which isn't there. There were times were pay raises where officially suspended due to financial straits, yet some people actually did receive salary increases. Same was the case for the Corona Compensation (Corona-Ausgleich) which was only granted to those that asked. Now people are waiting for the governments inflation compensation. Being asked in an AMA, management wiggled out of giving a clear response and referred people to the long deadline until when it can still be paid out. Many employees are now under the impression that the company will come forward to announce a general payment for everyone. This is a clever tactic to ensure that people that leave the company in the meantime won't get any and those that joined after the AMA won't be in the loop and thus not ask about it. Fact is, plenty of people have received this compensation.


Really depends. The company is extremely good in pulling the wool over people's eyes and thus many are pretty loyal. Those that are in the know have a more differentiated opinion. I stopped recommending the company years ago after a few friends had some pretty abysmal, not to say unprofessional experiences when applying for positions. As such, the company isn't great. It just acts like it is. It's also not worse than others. In that regard it's just utterly average.


Career = more responsibilities which results in more work for no extra pay.
