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Smooth and Friendly Interview

Bewerber/inHat sich 2017 bei Personio GmbH in München als Intern in Business Intelligence beworben und eine Zusage erhalten.


  • The discussion was mostly about getting to know each other and something about strengths and weaknesses. It was good to include questions related to taking initiatives and personality development.
  • Working in a team with the different type of personalities.
  • A company always would like to know why do you want to work with them? The availability of time period.
  • The conversation was quite friendly and open. The response given by the company was very quick in this case. Since it was a very first round of interview, the questions were mostly related to HR.

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Schnelle Antwort

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte
