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The candidate experience was good despite the rejection

Bewerber/inHat sich 2020 bei Personio GmbH in München als Customer Growth Manager beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


I applied online and received an invitation to a Zoom interview a day after. Even though I received a rejection, the recruiter why this decision was made. During the interview, I felt that the recruiter had a 5-6 questions, which she had written down prior to the call. This did not foster the emphasis on a mutual conversation to see whether the expectations match. Also, topic salary would not have been addressed without me specifically asking it (you had to state that in an application form) and they mentioned only a range of 5k and no room for negotiation related to this. I also had to give my preferred start date in the application form and this was again asked in the interview. Asking to confirm the start date would have given me more the impression that the recruiter actually read my application form.
Still, overall good experience.


  • Job experience so far
  • What I think are the goals for the job?
  • Why Personio?
  • What Personio needs to do to keep me satisfied and motivated towards the job

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